
Army Camouflage Improvement Effort Q&A

The Army has released the Q&A for the Camouflage Improvement Effort solicitation.



Can the digital files be sent on a thumb drive or do you prefer discs?
Due to security precautions thumb drives are not allowed.

If I submit 2 sets of geometric patterns do you only want to see 3? Would you want me to submit additional patterns outside of the 3-4?
A family of camouflage patterns is defined as 1 wooded, 1 arid, 1 transitional and 1 OCIE/PPE pattern (if different from the 3 uniform patterns). Therefore, one proposal will present either 3 or 4 patterns.
L.5 – First Paragraph – Intended to read “Offeror shall not submit more than two (2) proposals…”
If the Offeror chooses to submit two (2) camouflage pattern families, then they must be independent proposals. The color palette used within a family are fixed at the time of proposal submission because the Offeror has determined them to the optimal for the various environments.

Could you explain the 4th pattern that would be designed for listed plate carrier is this to be different color combination on the same geometric pattern? Do you need hardgood samples of the pattern that can be applied such a gun or other metal or hardgood sample?
The 4th pattern is for a unique OCIE/PPE pattern, if the Offeror chooses to take that approach. The color and geometry selected should perform well with the uniform patterns. Lastly, the focus of this effort is on soft goods only.

Can I submit patterns for review without contracts regarding fabrics or cut and sew? Or do I need to contact a list of existing contractors submit patterns through with them as part of the process?
The overall evaluation for the RFP will be based on all information provided using the criteria set forth in section M of the RFP. If there is information requested by the government and not addressed in the RFP that section will be evaluated negatively.

Is it possible to obtain the CD of reference images and the DVD representative sample of correlated terrain images that is described in the Camouflage Industry Day Program Strategy?
All files provided at the industry day can be found at or, under solicitation W911QY-11-R-0008.

L.5 – First Paragraph – Reads “Offeror may submit more than two proposals…”
L.10 – Fourth Paragraph – Reads “Contractor shall not submit more than two proposals…”
Which paragraph is correctly stated?
L.5 should read, “Offeror shall not submit more than two proposals”
L.10 should read, “Offeror shall not submit more than two proposals”

A.9 – Reads “All submissions should be made via electronic means.”
L.9 – Reads “Offers shall be submitted in loose leaf, three-ring binder accompanied by CD copies.”
Which paragraph is correctly stated?
Paragraph L.9 is correct. Paragraph A.9 should read, “All submissions should be made in accordance with instructions provided under Section L. of solicitation”

L.9 – Does each page of the proposal need to be stamped “For Official Use Only and Source Selection Sensitive”?


L.9 – Where do you want the cover sheet on the 3-ring binder? (i.e., First page on the inside? On the face of the binder? Etc.)
On the face of the binder.

L.10 – Paragraph Four – States “Area I and Area II shall be VOID of any proposal price Information. Area II, Factor B is asking for printing cost for 10,000 yards of NYCO Ripstop and 10,000 yards of 500 Denier fabrics. Do we give the cost?
Yes, please provide estimate. This cost will not be part of contract award, but will help in determining the offeror’s management and manufacturing capability/producibility.

Can the Government give us historical data on what the Army buys each year in ACU’s?
This is a very difficult question to answer as ACU’s is only one uniform of many the Army fields add to that this camouflage may or may not be fielded to all soldiers or all environments. The Army is composed of over 1 million soldiers that require a uniform of some sorts.


To better come up with a more fair and equitable licensing fee, can we review the latest licensing fee between the Government and the holder of the Multicam pattern?
There is no licensing agreement between the government and the holder of the Multicam pattern.

13. Reference: Section: F-Deliveries or Performance Page: 16 of 67 Paragraph (or Figure): F.3
There doesn’t appear to be a difference between the Government’s Desired Delivery Schedule and its Required Delivery Schedule. Is this an oversight on the part of the Government?
Government’s desired and required delivery schedule are the same.

14. Reference: Section: F-Deliveries or Performance Page: 16 of 67 Paragraph (or Figure): 52.211-9 DESIRED AND REQUIRED TIME OF DELIVERY (JUN 1997) (b)
The paragraph specifically states “However, the Government will evaluate an offer that proposes delivery based on the Contractor’s date of receipt of the contract or notice of award by adding (1) five calendar days for delivery of the award through the ordinary mails, or (2) one working day if the solicitation states that the contract or notice of award will be transmitted electronically. If, as so computed, the offered delivery date is later than the required delivery date, the offer will be considered nonresponsive and rejected.” Will the Government provide all Contractors the “exact” date that it intends to award this contract so that delivery schedules can be computed accurately?
There is no set date that the Government will intend to award all contracts on. The contractor will be required to provide the deliverables based on timeframes above, from the date of award. FAR 52.211-9 DESIRED AND REQUIRED TIME OF DELIVERY (JUN1 1997) (b), is stating that the Government will let the Offeror know of the award no later than the date the award is dated, whether contract or notification is mailed or sent electronically. However, if the Offeror would prefer
that the date of award be when the Offeror receives notification of award or the contract, then delivery dates will be calculated by taking into account a) five (5) days if Contract or notification is mailed, or b) one (1) day if contract or notification is sent electronically.

15. Reference: Section: H-Special Contract Requirements Page: 19 of 67 Paragraph (or Figure): H.1.2.1 Key Personnel List
The paragraph requires that the Contractor provide the name and position of key personnel that “are considered to be critical to the successful performance of this contract.” Section L.10 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS does not address any requirement to provide key personnel information in Section H. Are Contractors to assume that the Government expects the key personnel information to be included in Volume Area III, Section I?

16. Reference: Section: L-Instructions, Conditions and Notices to Bidders Page: 57 of 67 Paragraph (or Figure): L.10 Special Instructions for Preparation of Proposals, Area IV-Past Performance
The paragraph specifically states “The offeror shall submit with its proposal its first tier subcontractors letter(s) of consent allowing the Government to disclose the Sub-Contractors’ past performance to the offeror during negotiations.” Do the letter(s) of consent from subcontractors count against the 10 page limit of Volume Area IV or can they be placed in a volume appendix that is not counted against the page limit?
Letters of Consent can be included in an Appendix if this information will exceed 10 page limit for this area.

Please clarify, “which have the same or similar geometry” in the statement, “Family comprised of 3 patterns / color palettes for uniforrm (Wooded, Arid, Transitional), which have the same or similar geometry, and one pattern for the PPE/OCIE which may or may not be one of the uniform patterns.”
“Same or similar geometry” refers to the shapes used to create the camouflage pattern (e.g., Woodland and Desert MARPAT have the “same or similar geometry,” while OCP (MultiCam) and UCP do not).

Does the PPE/OCIE need to be a pattern or if we believe a solid color would be better does that constitute a pattern?
The Offeror should propose the OCIE/PPE option that they believe is most effective with their family of camouflage patterns.

Can an Arid pattern be a monotone if that performs the best in our analysis?
Yes. (One could argue that each Adobe Photoshop channel has the same color in the “same or similar geometry” pattern.)


If we submit 2 families of camouflage, do we need a separate submission of each family?
In accordance with amended solicitation Section L.5. Proposal Submission, “Offeror shall submit no more than two (2) proposals, but each proposal submitted must stand on its own, not rely on references to other proposals, and meet each of the requirements of this solicitation.”

Can you provide the names of the textile tests which will be carried out on the submitted textile samples? The numerical code defining the test in The Federal Standard for Textile Test Methods (FED-STD-191A) would be most helpful. We would like to run some preliminary tests for inclusion in our proposal.
The textile samples will be used to build mock items to be used in further visual testing, not textile related issues

(End of Summary of Changes)

One Response to “Army Camouflage Improvement Effort Q&A”

  1. mcs says:

    After reading through the original RFP, I was astounded at the number of misspellings, formatting issues, and conflicting requirements (some of which are exposed here). They really are cutting back on the budget, aren’t they? 😉

    For anyone interested, the .pdf of this is a bit easier to read, as the questions are separated, and the answers are bolded.
    Thank you Soldiersystems for the update though!