FirstSpear TV

Guess What The Brown Truck Left On Our Doorstep


Grey Ghost Gear sent us several Lightweight Assault Packs in a variety of colors. Above you see (l – r) Coyote as well as PenCott Badlands, GreenZone and Sandstorm.


11 Responses to “Guess What The Brown Truck Left On Our Doorstep”

  1. awset7 says:

    I am jealous. How about another prize giveaway.

    Comments are now closed. Thanks for participating.

    Sweet. Looks like I’m the winner.

  2. Dave says:

    I see what you are doing….

  3. Sal Palma says:

    Let me know if you have any orphans…

  4. Aaron says:

    I get the greenzone!

  5. S1 says:

    All I got from the Brown truck are my pink Bunny Suit Pajamas from Aunt Clara.

  6. Grey Ghost Gear says:

    The Pencott packs are in stock now and will be available immediately following SHOT Show. The Coyote Brown packs are available now.

  7. chittnp says:

    Love the badlands!

  8. DCJ says:

    Nice, very nice… Any info on when they will be available?

  9. mike says:

    S1, sounds like the finest assault gear. Your Aunt Clara really knows how to strike fear in the heart of the enemy.

  10. Clayton says:

    Very nice looking packs.

  11. Kevin Larkin says:

    Hmm, I don’t actually see them up on their website. Out of stock already? New stock not uploaded yet?

    Those cammo patterns do look pretty good, though.