SureFire XC3

Crye Precision Spartan

We gave you a tease of the Spartan during the 2012 SHOT Show and it’s easy to tell where it got its name by just looking at it. The Spartan design is actually a couple of years old and offers Maxillofacial Ballistic Protection without any modification to an issue Advanced Combat Helmet. Crye brought it back to the forefront as a possible solution for a US Army requirement for a “commercially available product that can provide ballistic, blast and blunt impact protection in the maxillofacial region to increase soldier survivability.

What really sets this product apart from others is that it is somewhat flexible and can be easily mounted and dismounted from the helmet. As you can see in the video it integrates with the NVG mount and can be pulled up out of the way when needed. Additionally, it won’t give you that claustrophobic feeling and you can still shoulder a weapon with it in place.

Available soon from

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2 Responses to “Crye Precision Spartan”

  1. I would be concerned with Spatial awareness while wearing this. It also looks a little thin to be rated NIJ IIIA…

    Does anyone have any further information?

  2. Desert Lizard says:

    Cheek weld?