Wilcox BOSS Xe

Corps Strength – At the Front

As we are getting out training First Responders with our new Leadership training system one of the first things that becomes apparent when we get our students on the “Reaction Trainer”, is that many of them have a very hard time moving injured (simulated) persons. Now admittedly this is not an easy task. If you’ve never tried it, a person who weighs 200 lbs feels like 400 when they are unable to move themselves. In fact I had a friend of mine who has been a firefighter for over 25 years, tell me that more firemen are injured on the job moving injured people, than from burns or smoke. In any case Its a hard task, and just one that First Responders have to face everyday. The bottom line is be to able to do these difficult tasks takes more than the ability to run a fast 5K or bench press 300. It requires a type of fitness that is focused on real world needs. Just like those that Firemen, Law Enforcement and EMT’s need. In my book Corps Strength the primary goal of my PT system is too prepare you for these type of real world tasks. I came up with these effective training methods based on over 3 decades of experience, both from my own training and from many hundreds of Marines, Firemen and cops I knew over the years. Its simple to learn and proven effective by those who have tried it, of which many are First Responders. So If you need a fitness level beyond a Zumba class give it a try.

Semper Fi


2 Responses to “Corps Strength – At the Front”

  1. Ben Branam says:

    How about an example of from your book?

    • SSD says:

      There is an entire series called Corps Strength on SSD which is included in the 4800+ articles in our archives. You’ve got almost four years worth of information to catch up on.