SIG SAUER - Never Settle

MATBOK Backhand GPS Carrier

MATBOK developed the Backhand GPS Carrier after they found that carrying your GPS on your weapon or your chest gets to be a pain. For example, sometimes you don’t have your weapon in front of you or you’re using an entirely different weapon system. A chest mounted GPS can also get in your way when you’re trying to climb or reaching for for your comms PTT. Their reasoning is that you will always have your hands with you no matter what job, or weapon system you’re using. It’s a simple, lightweight design that gives the user the ability to have their GPS with them at all times. Designed to accommodate the GARMIN Foretrex, it carries it on the back of either hand in the same manner as an altimeter. The Backhand GPS Carrier will also accept a wrist compass on the wrist strap.

Available in Coyote, Desert Digital, and MultiCam from

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8 Responses to “MATBOK Backhand GPS Carrier”

  1. Matt says:

    FYI to all, this concept was stolen from LBT. They have been making this for years.

    • Lane says:

      Glad someone beat me to it. LBT got robbed on this idea. They probably had this in our hands 3 yrs ago.

  2. MATBOCK LLC says:


    Thankyou for coming forward and pointing this out.  We at MATBOCK sincerely apologize for this situation. Our goal is to develop innovative gear and get it to the operators who need it. We had heard a piece of equipment like this existed but could turn up no evidence of it during a search before pushing forward to build it ourselves. As of today, we will no longer be producing or selling this product and will direct any attention for it over to LBT. Our sincerest apologies.


  3. nick says:

    Good on ’em even though I might not be purchasing this pouch from them today I will definitely be considering them for future purchases of gear simply for doing the right thing which is so rare I think in the gear industry.

  4. Ian says:

    Thumbs up for Matbock LLC for doing the right thing!

  5. killslowly says:

    MATBOCK’s Google Fu is weak, but integrity and honor is strong!!! I’m going to your site and making a purchase right now.

  6. Bkb477 says:

    Hey matbok is your site under construction I tried to look at your product line and nothing would come up.

    • MATBOCK says:

      We are doing some updates right now, but it should be back up shortly. You can also connect with us on FB to view a few products.