SureFire XC3

TYR Tactical Zip On Back Panels


TYR Tactical has added 6 new Zip On Back Panels to their website. These are designed to work with the PICO plate carrier but due to the design, you can adapt them to most armor carriers. The adapters just MOLLE into place on the rear of the carrier.


Options include a beaver tail model, PALS models with hydration pockets and admin variants with hydration pockets.


Manufactured from PV, they are available in MultiCam, Coyote, Ranger Green and Black.


7 Responses to “TYR Tactical Zip On Back Panels”

  1. Reseremb says:

    XFrame load distribution system… nice

  2. MattF says:

    Basically a MOLLE version of the British zip panels that were part of the PLCE rucksack and daypack ‘Rocket Pouches’. Nice to see somebody finally doing a 21st century version of what could have become a forgotten design.

  3. ground pounder says:

    Not a forgotten design; Paraclete has been doing this for 10 plus years as well as Crye, Eagle, Mayflower and I’m sure there are several others I haven’t listed.

    • pitt03 says:

      Yeah I was wondering when someone was going to point this out. My old paraclete rig used this design.

    • TYR says:

      The differences are in in the flexibility to plce both on Tyr’s kits but also other carriers as well. They are influenced by previous designs including my own versions over the past 12 years.

      They panels themselves have some unique features that will be better pointed out in our videos we will be filming shortly and posting as well as additional images that will be posted on the web site. Things that may seem very simple but as an example a bottom opening medical/sustainment pouch that provides a location for either our new medical sleeve or new personal sleev litter (9oz)

      I think also the variety of pcs you see here is use the obvious beginning for these items I am in the middle of 6 other versions for customers including accessories that will work with them that we will release in July.

      • Alex says:

        How backwards compatible are these with previous pouches from other vendors/military equipment.

        I understand you want to sell your system, but you might receive more sales of your molle adapters if people know what already works with them.

        Thanks for the innovation!
