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Archive for December, 2012

A Blast From The Past – Just In Case

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Posted during SHOT Show, January 2009. This is the Herring Modular Sporting Rifle at the time exhibited by Ares Defense.

Ares Defense Systems, Inc.
The shape of things to come? The Modular Sporting Rifle prototype may be just the thing if threatened weapon bans are enacted. Designed to fit any AR-15 style upper receiver, the MSR looks as if an M4 mated with an 870. It certainly hides some of those menacing “assault weapon” features such as pistol grips, collapsible stocks, and external mag wells. When combined with a flat top upper, you can barely tell the rifle is a black rifle.

Ares Defense Systems Modular Sporting Rifle

Week 4 – Extreme Outfitters December Sales

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012


Tomorrow starts week 4 of Extreme Outfitters’ December Sales. Look for 20% OFF all Sanuks and Sunglasses. 25% OFF all packs, 15% OFF all Jetboil Products, and the Columbia River Dogfish neck knife for $10.

Preserving the Second Amendment – Ballot or Bullet

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Over the next few days SSD will be posting items from industry professionals that we hope will inform and spark discussion on the Second Amendment of the Constitution. This first article is from Special Forces Veteran Richard Mason of the Direct Action Resource Center.



Let’s take a step (or two) back and look at the whole instead of just the current debate. I promise to make you angry at some point: either at what you read or me.

There is a lot rhetoric and hyperbole being slung around. Emotional arguments proliferate, for and against.

On this issue, the public can be divided up into these basic groups:
1. Pro 2A – don’t tread on me
2. Anti 2A – you are morally corrupt for liking guns
3. Owns a gun(s) but welcomes ‘reasonable’ restrictions for assorted reasons
4. Doesn’t own a gun, isn’t opposed to guns but thinks there should be various restrictions of firearms control.
5. It doesn’t affect me, who cares: is the mall open yet?
6. Non-Americans

Actually, there are only two groups, regardless of where you think you stand on the issue. You are either for your Bill of Rights, you are against them (for whatever reason), or you are too stupid and/or lazy to care (which means you are aiding those opposed to them). The reason is history. Mostly, it is the history of the 2nd Amendment – it really does matter. Second would be the history of man and their governments. History echoes.


Happy Holidays from Our Friends at CTOMS

Friday, December 21st, 2012


Legion Firearms LF-4 Update

Friday, December 21st, 2012


As of 1336EST Legion Firearms had seven (7) LF-4 rifles (Adam Morehead of Legion Firearms frequently refers to them as Patrol Rifles) remaining in stock. They just shipped three and have taken five orders over the last couple of hours.


The LF-4 is Legion’s newest offering, a 14.5” chrome-lined barrel with BattleComp attached, cold hammered forged steel components, B5 Systems SOPMOD stock, fixed front sight post, folding rear iron sights and a MagPul MOE grip.

“The way I see it,” Adam says, “if you look at what we’ve offered in the past, they’ve got incredible longevity and accuracy, requiring little maintenance…the LF-4 answers the need for a beefy carbine with that sort of reliability for the shooters for whom the LF-15C and LF-15D just aren’t practical…it’s more robust, with forged ordnance grade 416 uppers and lowers rather than billet aluminum. We’re looking at 2-3 times the longevity.”


Preorder the rifle over the holidays to receive a weapon with serial number 10-100; the ones still in stock, and then 30 or more each month through March (which is when 101-250 will become available).

The price for the LF-4: $1,990.00, which is what was proposed well before recent events.

The NRA Speaks

Friday, December 21st, 2012

After a week of self-imposed silence on the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, the NRA’s Wayne Lapierre issued the following statement earlier today. I agree wholeheartedly that the real issue is how to deal with the root cause. We also need to protect our children from violence, just as the precious resources that they are. As a nation, we are failing miserably on that point. Gun free zones are an open invitation to mayhem.

National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre

The National Rifle Association’s 4 million mothers, fathers, sons and daughters join the nation in horror, outrage, grief and earnest prayer for the families of Newtown, Connecticut … who suffered such incomprehensible loss as a result of this unspeakable crime.

Out of respect for those grieving families, and until the facts are known, the NRA has refrained from comment. While some have tried to exploit tragedy for political gain, we have remained respectfully silent.

The Officer Survival Initiative’s 12 Days Of Christmas Sale Is Almost Over

Friday, December 21st, 2012

There are only four days of discounts left, but they’ve saved some of the best for last, including this sweetheart: On December 21st ONLY, purchase TWO 10″ x 12″ Level III Spectra Rifle plates or TWO 10″ x 12″ Level IV Ceramic Plates or one of each and receive your choice of the ERPC Plate Carrier, RPC Plate Carrier, or BDS Tactical Stacker Plate Carrier for FREE as their gift to you! That’s almost a $200 value of American made, plate carrying, tactical nylon goodness.


And don’t forget; one SSD reader who purchases from the OSI site during the sale could win a free trauma kit, worth up to $155.

There’s only one catch. To be eligible for the free trauma kit offer, you have to link through from this announcement on SSD.

*-Some restrictions apply, see for details.

AOL Comes Out of the Anti-2A Closet

Friday, December 21st, 2012

In a statement posted early this morning, AOL laid out their four point plan to reduce gun violence in America. Point number two is most telling. We love it when people are so oblivious that they come out in favor of laws that are already on the books like criminal background checks.

Second, we’re joining with 750 mayors and other leaders in the Demand a Plan campaign ( to ban high volume assault weapons and require criminal background checks for firearms. This is a sensible idea and is in line with our commitment to family safety.

However, it seems as if the statement was drafted by committee or a schizophrenic. Despite coming out in favor of a ban on high volume assault weapons (whatever the hell that is) they also acknowledge that they don’t know it all and ask for input on how to “prevent tragedies like the one in Newtown.” Too bad they are so focused on the least effective; firearms legislation.

Third, we know not all of our members agree on potential changes to gun laws. So if you have different ideas on how to prevent tragedies like the one in Newtown, please let us know in the comments area below and we’ll share the best of them on This isn’t about ideology — it is about reducing the number of mass murders, so please share any realistic solution you may have.

AOL members, let them know what you think. So far, the comments are the typical no-nothing anti-2A drivel; ban automatic weapons, etc. It would be nice nice for a change if people who call for additional laws knew about the ones already on the books.