As of 1336EST Legion Firearms had seven (7) LF-4 rifles (Adam Morehead of Legion Firearms frequently refers to them as Patrol Rifles) remaining in stock. They just shipped three and have taken five orders over the last couple of hours.

The LF-4 is Legion’s newest offering, a 14.5” chrome-lined barrel with BattleComp attached, cold hammered forged steel components, B5 Systems SOPMOD stock, fixed front sight post, folding rear iron sights and a MagPul MOE grip.
“The way I see it,” Adam says, “if you look at what we’ve offered in the past, they’ve got incredible longevity and accuracy, requiring little maintenance…the LF-4 answers the need for a beefy carbine with that sort of reliability for the shooters for whom the LF-15C and LF-15D just aren’t practical…it’s more robust, with forged ordnance grade 416 uppers and lowers rather than billet aluminum. We’re looking at 2-3 times the longevity.”

Preorder the rifle over the holidays to receive a weapon with serial number 10-100; the ones still in stock, and then 30 or more each month through March (which is when 101-250 will become available).
The price for the LF-4: $1,990.00, which is what was proposed well before recent events.