AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

OR – Granite Gear Name That Pack Contest


Granite Gear likes to bring military packs to OR that show capability and that’s the case with this variant of the Chief Patrol. It’s a bit slimmed down and in addition to the standard roll top with antenna and radio cable slits, this 40 liter pack incorporates a panel to access the load.



Here you can see the zippered water bladder pouches that accommodate 100 oz bladders.


And finally, you can see the Chief suspension.


So now that you’ve seen the pack and what it has to offer how about you name it? The winning name will receive this pack, shipped to you from Granite Gear and you’ll be able to tell all of your friends you named it.

From now until 2359Z 28 Jan 2013 post your entry to name this pack here on THIS post on SSD and nowhere else. Only entries here are eligible to win. Granite Gear will select the winning name once the contest closes. In the event more than one person submits the same name the first entry with that name will win.

Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winner.

One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

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224 Responses to “OR – Granite Gear Name That Pack Contest”

  1. Paul Bone says:

    Litefighter pack 😉

  2. SGT Rock says:

    Let’s call it the Ruckus.

  3. Kaoskydexsolutions says:

    Chief hydro hauler

  4. Reaper says:

    “Master Chief”

  5. Kevin says:

    Chief Bactrian

  6. Bryan says:

    Sounds like a great ruck for LRS missions… how about the LRRP? Long Range Recon Pack!

  7. Heracleo says:

    Chief Spartan Patrol

  8. RASP- Rapid Access Sustain Pack!

  9. bob says:

    Anax – Greek for military commander or chief.

  10. Mike says:

    Call it the “Bassault 40”

    Just a play on words really: Basalt is the scientific name for granite and it’s a perfect assault pack that holds 40 letres.

  11. Scott says:

    Sarcina- Roman Legionary’s pack.

  12. SPD says:

    Nay-Dal-Ghal or Naydagal—>Navajo word for “strike”

  13. Howard says:


  14. Lindi says:

    Gideon which in Hebrew means “Mighty warrior”

  15. Mikey says:

    My vote is for Titan

  16. Cdn_Medic says:

    How ’bout “The Commander”

  17. Marmatt says:


  18. Nate says:


  19. Diplomat says:

    This is a very nice pack indeed! I think Granite Gear should name it the Chief Patrol Comms (Communications) Recon Pack or Chief PCR or CPCR for acronyms sake. The pack should ultimately keep the Chief Patrol name overall because of it being a Chief variant with Chief class features. This name would be a great addition to the Chief Patrol line along with the CP RECCE. It has a main focus on a slimmer design & hydration loadout (recon) with emphasis on communications hardware features (comms). Too I’m allowed only one entry. I could name millitary gear all day!

  20. Michael says:

    The Hump Dump

  21. Andrew says:

    The Agate

  22. Major_Northeast_City says:

    “El Granito”.
    Alternatively: The Granite “Slab”.

  23. Jon says:

    Cheif Aggressor

  24. Raider says:

    How bout “Bourgeois ” after HMC(SEAL) Matthew J. Bourgeois. The first Navy Chief killed after 9/11 while serving in Afghanistan.

  25. Debo says:


  26. JD says:


  27. Paula says:

    “The downLoad”

  28. Zach says:


  29. Patriot says:

    Chief Patrol Lite

  30. G says:

    Chief Scout.

  31. Chuck says:


  32. Fighter Design says:

    You could literally call it “anything”, when its made by Granite Gear. Fighter Design sees a lot of packs, and Granite Gear makes some of the best. Congratulations to Jeff and his team for designing another winner. -Slank

  33. Chittnp says:

    The ” squaw “

  34. Jon says:

    The Cheif Aggressor

  35. Army Doc says:

    “Chief Slim” or “Chief Slim Patrol Pack” or “Chief Patrol Pack – Slim”

  36. Diplomat says:

    This is a very nice little pack indeed! I say name it the “Chief Patrol Comms (communications) Recon” or “CPCR” for acronyms sake. This would go along with the Chief Patrol pack line that also includes the CP RECCE. With the main focus being a slimmer design with hydration capabilities (recon) and radio hardware access features (comms), this fits their conservatively named packs well.

  37. PigmyPuncher says:

    Patrol 40, GG40, GG Patrol Slim, Patrol Slim, GG40S, Patrol S, Patrol Slim, Chief Parol Slim, CPS, CPS40, Chief Patrol Slim 40.

  38. Jay doc says:

    The Derka derka Sherpa

  39. CGA says:

    “The Feldspar”

  40. Blane says:

    Call it the “COCHISE” like the Apache who led an uprising in 1861

  41. Stay Frosty says:

    Granite gear “Igneous”
    Granite gear “Keep Watch”

  42. Chris8404 says:


  43. Dave says:

    Chief Scout

  44. Patriotic Sheepdog says:

    Salinian 40 pack

  45. Michael says:

    The Portal by Granite Gear

  46. EELMAN says:

    Name it “Crisalest”
    Its another name for cacoon which it greatly resembles

  47. Mike says:

    Chief Tracker

  48. Fox says:


    Greek mythology: “Hundred-Handed Ones”, three giants of incredible strength

  49. Travis says:

    Diet Chief – ya know, cause it’s slim

  50. Guardsman says:

    The Raptor