SureFire XC3

Additional 30 Round Ultra Mags Available

Just before SHOT Show we told you about a rather large supply of 30 round 5.56mm AR magazines. The 42,000 went very quickly but now there are more in the pipeline. In fact, twice as many as before. Same terms.

Ultra MAG

I was contacted by a distributor that has 5.56 mm 30 rd Ultra Mags available. They are offered in boxes of 100 with discounts for orders in excess of 500. These Made in USA magazines feature aluminum bodies with steel anti-tilt followers and braided wire springs. Further details are above. This is legit.

Contact the distributor at

2 Responses to “Additional 30 Round Ultra Mags Available”

  1. I would be interested in a box of 100. I can be reached at