TYR Tactical

Archive for March, 2013

Canipe Correspondence – Undervalued Skills

Sunday, March 24th, 2013

A great many people receive training on firearms. Of course, it should be more, but that’s a topic for another day. I often wonder how many of the people who take regular firearms training classes have stepped out of the normal pistol/carbine class to broaden their horizons in regard to self defense skills. I would wager not many, and I believe self-defense utilizes plethora of skills that are outside the scope of learning to fire a failure drill at 5 yards and executing a reload. Blah blah blah mindset…blah blah blah real-world training for the streets…blah blah blah gamer stuff gets you killed…blah blah blah target focus you can’t use your sights in a fight, whatever. When all that stuff goes horribly awry and you don’t end a fight with accurate, lethal results, emerging unscathed, press checking your back-up back-up gun and stuffing it back under your Photographers vest, what happens then? Can you provide self-aid? Can you give an accurate location to the 911 operator? Can you defend yourself without a firearm? Do you possess the ability to run away? The ability to draw and fire a handgun without stress is not the great equalizer if you have to get in a fight, or compete, or do anything other than draw and fire a handgun on the range.

Number one on my list of necessary skills is medical training. Can you provide treatment for a gunshot wound? Can you stop bleeding? Can you apply a tourniquet? While I have no stats to back this up, I would say the majority of self-defense situations are defensive in nature. This meaning you are not on the offense initially. This meaning you were attacked, and have potentially sustained some form of injury. It might be a gunshot, stab wound, broken bone. Let’s assume you have neutralized the threat and now nobody is there to stabilize you except for you. Do you possess the skills to save your own life? These skills aren’t even tactical in nature. The same type of traumatic injury could happen to you, a family member, friend, or passerby in a car crash, bike wreck, freak redneck snow-sledding accident, or a slip down a flight of stairs. If nothing else, take a Red Cross Basic First Aid class, this is useful and necessary information, and I’d say you’re more likely to encounter an injury in your day-to-day life than that crazed gunman you’ve been practicing for. If you have the means to take a structured class that focuses on the injuries sustained (or dished out) in a fight, I recommend Dark Angel Medical. Kerry Davis at Dark Angel is my go-to when I need someone to teach med classes, and before forming Dark Angel Kerry ran Magpul Dynamics Medical Division. He’s also a former Air Force flight medic and has worked as a paramedic and RN after leaving active duty, so both trauma and routine medical care is no stranger to him. They can also provide medical supplies tailored to your needs including individual kits for low-vis applications or larger packages.

You should probably know how to throw a punch, block a punch, and take a punch as well. Most people are woefully underprepared for a physical altercation, which I would again consider more likely than having to shoot (at) someone. Joining a local boxing gym is a good start, and at a decent one is a lot of bang for your buck. In addition to the pugilistic skills, the added benefits of getting a good workout aren’t to be overlooked. The most applicable classes in a standard 2-5 day format that I am familiar are those from Southnarc. He teaches a number of classes that are geared toward skills for specific scenarios such as movement inside structures, weapons retention, and fighting in confined spaces. Many people shy away from classes such as these because they’re afraid to get beat up. Guess what, the big dude in the Wal Mart parking lot waiting to beat the shit out of you is going to enroll you in his class whether you sign up or not, so you may want to know what to do about it when he does.

Branch out. Fighting and stopping bleeding isn’t a commando skill, it’s a life skill. Defensive driving, dismounted navigation, cold weather survival. Hell, just go off the list of stuff Boy Scouts learn. A lot of that could save your life just as soon as clearing leather with your blaster or making a 250M carbine shot, particularly for the average concerned citizen. The ninja rifle/pistol combat skills are important too, but it’s certainly not the 99% of skills required for your personal safety and survival. Don’t be afraid to admit what you don’t know and find a good place to learn it, those up drills will still be there when you get back to the range.

KCRF Patches Available for Sale

Sunday, March 24th, 2013


Our friends at Mojo Tactical havebKeep Calm and Return Fire™ patches in stock. Get yours while you can.


Gunfighter Moment – John McPhee

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Shrek’s Ten Warrior Commandments



Leave no room for doubt. Kill them, then kill them twice to be sure, then check and make sure they are dead. Crush your enemy. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. This is not a James Bond movie where your enemy spills his guts and then gets away. Do not waste one word. Kill them and make sure they are dead. If they aren’t dead, they will seek revenge. Crush them not only in body and spirit, but take their will to fight. This especially includes warriors with no honor.


If it’s time to get your kill on, then start killin’ first. If you need to get through gunfire, get through the fire first. If you lead the way, this tells other warriors that if they want to get a kill in today, “You better beat me!” It tells your soldiers that if they want to prove themselves as warriors, they need to be on their “A Game” just to fight by your side.


As a warrior, remember who got you to the dance. That vehicle didn’t fix itself. That weapon works because of your armorer. Spend time with those around you. Get to know everyone personally. This will ensure that in any situation, everyone that surrounds you will give you personally 110 percent.


You can trust a friend, as long as he remains honorable. But a warrior’s friend today might become his enemy tomorrow. Those who worship you today have envy, and will stain your armor and break your sword if given the chance. When the time comes, you will know who has honor, and honorable warriors will always forgive, for they understand your actions as a warrior.


Defend your subordinates to the bitter end. Defend them against any and all friends, enemies and warriors. Let it be known to anyone under your control or aligned with you, that you will kill for your warriors if anyone else tries to test your territory or boundaries. This tells others to come to you first; because you rule your warriors. Other honorable warriors will understand this and want that same respect in return. Your subordinates will feel protected and go to the ends of the earth for their master.


It’s every warrior’s job to want to be the master. From day one with your pupils, you’re training them to be the master. Withhold no information, no skills, nothing back from them. Give them everything they need personally to become a master. If you have 5 masters, versus 1 master and 4 pupils, this will strengthen your force. Honor will keep the balance of power for you, if you are the true master.


Always let warriors solve their own problems or conflicts. If it’s between warriors, let them go. Watch every move they make to ensure the problem gets fixed and no one gets killed. There will always be problems. As the master, watching this will show you if the problem was fixed, or if your warriors have a problem with honor.


When fighting another master or formidable enemy, always let your pupils have the final killing blow while you watch. This is the biggest form of dishonor to anther master. Being crushed by warriors of lesser stature will haunt him for eternity.


Savages always smell like scum. They will always bring their families to a gun fight. This includes babies and small children. If you don’t wash your clothes, you will smell like a savage, and if handling savage babies they will not cry. Babies use smell to identify who you are, friend or foe, so smell like a savage.


Know where your own kit is and use it! Messing around with another warrior’s gear is against any warrior code. This is viewed as hiding another warrior’s sword, and he won’t know until he is in battle. This is a sure way to get yourself beheaded, and this is not an honorable death between warriors.


SGM (ret) John McPhee served a distinguished career in U.S. Army Special Operations for over 20 years, retiring in 2011.

John has spent his adult life in Special Operations and Special Mission Units. He is a Master Instructor in all aspects of special activities, missions and operations. He has over 6 years of private special activities consulting and is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in: Special Activities, Operational Preparations, Limited Signature Operations, Reconnaissance, Singleton Operations, High Threat Dignitary Protective Services, Extreme Long Range, Designated Marksman, Advanced Precision Rifle Marksmanship, Combat Marksmanship, Live Fire CQB/CQC, Advanced Pistol Marksmanship, Advanced Carbine Marksmanship, Aeriel Gunnery (Rifles, Shotguns, Ariel Personnel and Vehicle Interdictions, Mechanical, Ballistic and Explosive Breaching, Freefall Instructor Programs, Infiltration/ Exfiltration Techniques, Ground Mobility, Unit Pre-Deployment Training, and Research and Development of; Soldier Systems, Weapons, Ammunition, Thermal and Night Optics.

Special Forces Target Interdiction Course
US Army Sniper School
NRA Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun, Instructor
NRA Range Safety Officer
Advanced Mountain Sniper Course, Instructor
Advanced Freefall, Instructor (Ratings Current)
Freefall Coach (Ratings Current)
California Personal/ Executive Body Guard Certification (Rating Current)
2005 Budweiser World Cup Super Heavyweight Jiu-Jitsu Champion
2004 Presidential Security Detail (Ariel Heavy) Cartagena, Colombia

He has trained countless U.S. Special Operations forces, thousands of International Tier 1 Operators and Special Forces around the world. He is one of the handful of operators with over a decade of combat having served in multiple theaters from Bosnia and South America to recent war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.

Coming Soon – Shrek’s 10 Warrior Commandments

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013


Excellent Advice

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Maj Gen Mattis

TEA Headsets Announces HEAR-PRO PROMO

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

TEA Headsets is offering special pricing on the INVISIO S10 combined with their Tactical U94 Push-to-Talk allowing you to replace your big bulky ear muff headsets with the INVISIO S10 Dual In-Ear Tactical Headset. The S10 provides you with certified hear-pro, enhanced electronic awareness and proven in-ear bone conduction microphone. The Tactical U94 Push-to-Talk Switch works with practically any radio (Dual Radio Version also available).

TEA Hear-Pro Promo!

INVISIO S10 Key Headset Features:
Patented Bone Conduction Microphone Technology: The INVISIO S10 is the only headset on the market that uses a true bone conduction microphone. Speech is captured from the inner ear via voice vibrations up the jawbone. Since the microphone is located in-ear auxiliary devices such as gas masks, ballistic eyewear, respirators or HAZMAT suites do not impede communications.

Certified hearing protection: The INVISIO S10 utilizes body heat activated foam tips that expand in the user’s ear creating a comfortable fit and certified hearing protection of 29dB NRR/32dB SNR.

Enhanced Combat Awareness: Unlike traditional muff type headsets the X5 provides an extremely accurate 360 degree vision of sound for the user. Users are capable of pinpointing the origin of speech and sound while maintaining constant hearing protection against damaging sounds like gunfire, explosions or vehicle/aircraft engine noise.

The Tactical U94 Push-to-Talk is one of TEA’s most popular PTT’s because of its size as well as its rugged and contoured design. The Standard or Single-Com U94 has a standard U92 or Nexus input to accommodate a wide range of tactical headsets that use this standard connector and also include an optional WPC (protective collar) to prevent hot mic. You can also customize the cable length and cable type (straight or coiled). The U94 can be configured to work with practically any 2-way radio or communication device.

Tactical U94 Push-to-Talk Key Features:
• Rugged and contoured design
• Swap the back clip for right or left side use
• Optional remote/sniper switch input
• Industrial strength components for high impact operations
• Dual radio versions available

TEA Invisio Promotion by solsys

TEA offers a no obligation 30 day evaluation program for qualified teams.

This promotion is available for purchases now through August 31st, 2013.


Vertx Announces New Product in Kryptek Camo

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Vertx has announced their new Kryptek Retro Skinny Tie.

Kryptek Retro Skinny Tie

Save Even More During GSS End of Winter Sale

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Save 30% more online with coupon code EOWSALE13 at www.gssgear.com