RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

“Kick Ass” P-40 Camou Pants from UF PRO Now Available in PenCott-GreenZone and BadLands


Made from a combination of Hyde Definition’s milspec 50/50 NyCo ripstop and and Schoeller 4-way stretch fabrics, the P-40 Camou Pants from UF PRO are now available after premiering at IWA.


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10 Responses to ““Kick Ass” P-40 Camou Pants from UF PRO Now Available in PenCott-GreenZone and BadLands”

  1. JOhn says:

    Tactical version of the Chuck Norris Action Jeans?

  2. B307 says:

    LMFAO Fucking crazy Euro’s!

  3. Philip says:

    How long until we see airsofters wearing them as “tactical pants”?

    I wouldn’t be surprised…

  4. Andrew says:

    Take a look at what I’m wearing, people. [Points to pants] You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I’m wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.

  5. cy says:

    Did they pull these out of Jean Claud VanDam’s closet or what? WTF?

  6. cy says:

    Do they come with vhs tape of Bloodsport?

  7. Gusto says:

    Jeez ….Happy Gay Mardi Gras pants…not that there is anything wrong with that.

  8. UF PRO says:

    Hey guys,
    thank you for your ?constructive? feedback on the looks of our P-40 pants. I feel it is high time for an explanation, why we are convinced that tight fitting garments do not only look better, but offer superior functionality and safety.
    First of all, they are safer, simply because tight fitting clothing won´t get caught that easy. And we all know that what can get caught, also will get caught, whenever it is most inconvenient. Sleeves will get caught at door knobs, pockets at hooks and fences, loose pant legs at wires, simply whatever, wherever. As if it was Murphy´s most favorite game.

    Second of all, it is more functional. The closer all the functional elements of a garment are to the body, the more sure you can be that they are where they are supposed to be, while you move. Pockets don´t dangle, protectors and pocket contents are kept in place, etc. If you have baggy clothing you can only achieve this with straps that keep certain sections of the bag one wears in place. These straps are eventually a chafe during harder activities, especially when sweating, or while in a dusty environment. So definitely not the best option!

    We make tight fitting gear, because we are convinced that with this philosophy we will provide the safest, most functional and coolest gear for professionals and experts. Of course it would be interesting to get some feedback on the functionality of these pants, since they are primarily not made to look good, but to serve its purpose. By the way, we already contacted Chuck Norris and JCVD if their P-40 pants are missing- we will keep you posted on that.

    • Darius137 says:

      Now when are you going to get a Combat Shirt to match it?

      Also, I am sad that the stretch areas are not PenCott, but there is no Pencott stretch material yet, so I understand why. :'(

      • UF PRO says:

        Hi Darius,

        Sorry for the late replay. Yes unfortunately the Schoeller stretch material is not available in GreenZone, so we can´t match the colors as we do for instant in our P-40 Classic version.
        Good news- the Combat shirt in GreenZone is going to be available next week.