Protact by Haartz

S.O.Tech Viper MACTAC, LAPD Approved

S.O.TECH has announce that their Viper Vest MACTAC is on the LAPD approved list for plate carriers.



6 Responses to “S.O.Tech Viper MACTAC, LAPD Approved”

  1. y0te says:

    LAPD approved? Does that mean it’s ideal for carrying the hundreds of rounds necessary for riddling innocent citizens’ vehicles with bullets, while also providing ballistic protection from the ensuing shrapnel and ricochets?

    • DEEBEES says:

      I think it means the police can choose this plate carrier for their kit if they want. And use it for situations like that kid that lost his mind and killed 5 people over at Santa Monica college a few weeks back… not all cops are bad

    • Just A Man says:

      Way to stay classy y0te! Yet another class act, who either couldn’t get hired by a police department somewhere, so bashes all cops, or he’s a criminal who’s been in the cross-hairs of law enforcement due to his shenanigans. Yeah, because 8 cops were retarded and didn’t use their brain housing group, we’re all bad.

      Anyway, S.O. Tech is a great company, who makes a great product. Whether you’re a LEO, Military, Private Security Contractor, or a Civilian in need of good gear or a decent APC, they are definitely a well made one to add to your list of choices. Their go-bags are second to none!

      • Maliqua says:

        …Yet another class cop that automatically assumes that everyone wants to be like him – only they’re either incompetent or a criminal – and that only 8 of his fellows are retards. Respectfully, I lose track, so perhaps you can help me out: Which profession is it, again, that always tries to dress and act like another? I’ve also heard that they try to draw false similarities as well, in order to elevate their own self images.

        Oh, speaking of – cops ARE civilians.

        • Just A Man says:

          LMFAO, Here we go again, with another malcontent, who’s incapable of basic reading comprehension. And who doesn’t know what the concept of para-military is, or how it directly APPLIES to law enforcement. I agree with you on one thing, and have had that same argument with our SWAT guys, when, the ones that weren’t in the military, yet think they’re Delta, try to crack of officers for acquiring kit that HELPS them in certain operations, and keep the people I/we have taken an oath to protect and serve, safe. And as for the 8 retards, I was typing in the context of the discussion. I yield that there are far more than 8 that fill the bill, but the clear blow below the belt was what I was referring to. Perhaps you could tell me what you do for a living (like you’d be honest anyway) and I could put this into perspective and context for you. But your pejorative tone, makes your ignorance only slightly more palpable than your arrogance.
          Have a great day Chesty Puller.

          Now can we get back on task?

  2. Sukafolife says:

    Looks pretty Dope…