Many of you have read Patrick Ma’s statement regarding his recent spit from TAD Gear. Unfortunately, Patrick will no longer be working with another brand he created, Rocket World and the IWG. As much as TAD was tacticool, IWG was focused on the plight of endangered species. I really loved those critters. One of them, by coincidence, even shares the same name with my youngest son. It’s tough to see this happen to a great brand. Being put on hiatus in order to focus on other matters is tough enough. But separating a creator from his passion is worse still. Let it be a lesson to all of you guys out there with a small business. Be very careful who you allow into your business. Usually, its pretty great, but sometimes, it doesn’t end the way you had hoped. I for one will miss the IWG and wish Patrick well on his current project, MOTUS World.
Greetings Friends of Rocket World and the IWG,
I regret to announce that with my recent separation on May 1st, 2013 from Triple Aught Design, LLC as a result of unresolved disputes with the remaining Members Brett Eisenberg and David Cahill, I currently do not have access to, or am involved in the brand known as Rocket World, and other IPs under this brand including the IWG.
When I created Rocket World and the IWG in December of 2000, it held great personal meaning for me, and I want to sincerely thank all of you who chose to support and follow this unique and eclectic brand over the many years. This tremendous support allowed me to create the many products and stories in a world that was entertaining, satirical, and meaningful as it also conveyed an important message in support of a topic very important to me, wildlife conservation.
As some of you know Rocket World and the IWG was placed on hiatus in 2010 so I could focus on my brand Triple Aught Design (TAD Gear). I was hoping to return to it someday, especially at a time when I could share it my two young boys. As of May 1, 2013 I do not know what plans if any, Eisenberg and Cahill have with brand Rocket World and the IWG.
As the sole author and creator of Rocket World and the IWG, I am deeply saddened that I am currently unable to continue on with this IP, but again wanted to thank all of you for the many years of support of and enthusiasm for this brand. I hope all of you who have an interest in wildlife conservation can find other ways to support this important work in your own ways.
Ad Astra and Beast Regards,
-Patrick Ma
Tags: IWG, Patrick York Ma, Rocket World
That’s really unfortunate. I was hoping for a return of the Rocket World franchise. I kinda want to know what all went down to create so much bad blood. I feel for you in all this Patrick. I wish you and MOTUS great success.
I talk with a lot of people in businesses of different sizes and types. I hear a lot of stories and have seen stuff like this before. Non business people who get into business need to really change their focus, at least at the point of laying the ground rules for partners and get it all in writing. Don’t let the other partner(s) bully you or BS you into a corner. Nuetral 3rd party advice is important. The victems in these situations are usually the artistic creative people. That’s really too bad. You may need someone of a business mindset to help you but be careful.
The joke is on TAD gear, without knowing the details of what really transpired. I think TAD will lose in the end. It’s been my experience that the creative artistic people are the ones who conceptualize and create the brand, the imagery, the product, the culture. Those types, people like Patrick who get railroaded and ripped off by their greedy business savvy partners as much as it sucks have the freedom to go on and continue to create awesome concepts/projects. Where as those who have a head for business usually have a very limited creative scope and they will eventually fizzle and die without a continuous stream of new design/imagery/culture.
Good luck in your new endeavors Patrick!!
Nicely put. I respect the right of people like Patrick Ma to “sell” their inspiration to people like Cahill and Eisenberg, whose right to enforce the integrity of that purchase I also respect. But yeah, everyone loses when owner and inspiration split-ESPECIALLY when lawyers parse subsequent innovation in court.
If anyone is smart enough to bounce back and enrich us with “original” inspiration, it’s Patrick Ma.
Damndamndamn. I was always more partial to RW/IWG than TAD, fit my personality better. Very sorry to hear that.
Another adventure ahead and your creativity will continue to stimulate demand,
I wish Patrick all the best in his new endeavors. In the mean time, I’ll be rocking my rocketworld shorts until they fall apart (which looks like that’ll take a while).
Sorry to hear about Patrick, any whispers as to the future of TAD? What direction it will go?