
BHI’s Lo-Pro AR Bench Block

Lo-Pro Bench Block

Blackheart International’s Lo-Pro AR Bench Block is cut to accept low-profile gas blocks, making it ideal for installing gas tubes onto modern low-profile gas blocks. The Lo-Pro is CNC-machined from extruded nylon, and drilled with ambidextrous punch holes for left or right-hand operation. It’s also double sided, featuring a standard rifle bench block profile opposite BHI’s exclusive low-profile gas block cutout.


2 Responses to “BHI’s Lo-Pro AR Bench Block”

  1. BradKAF308 says:

    save drilling holes in your favorite hockey puck.

  2. Mike D says:

    I love my Brownells FSP block and have always wanted a purpose built block for installing the roll pin on the low-pro gas blocks. I was half tempted to design my own, this is sure to come in handy.