AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Crye Precision Silent Auction Preview


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Last year it was the Q-Concepts Boba Fett helmet. This year, it’s an Ops-Core donated FAST Helmet and Mandible, decked out by Q Concepts as a Yeti Killer helmet.

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6 Responses to “Crye Precision Silent Auction Preview”

  1. Axe1477 says:

    WOW, thats one of the fiercest things I’ve ever seen…I don’t know what I’d do with it though. I’d hate to let it sit as a display piece and the bosses would say its too intimidating.

  2. This will be Mine!!!! ~ Yeti

  3. Toby says:

    It’s so scary!

  4. JG says:

    It would look good on the aircrew mandible protection helmet. I’d also hate to be the guy waking up in my dirty mud hut and seeing four of those staring down at me.

  5. Ola Ø. H. says:

    Why is Crye auctioning of an Ops-Core?

    Is this a weird tease for something we’ll see at SHOT? 😮