

LWRCi’s long awaited Six8 platform is now available but in a bigger way than I had expected. As you may recall it is dedicated to the improved 6.8mm round which was developed with ATK for an overseas contract. It is a 90grain Gold dot projectile at 1700 fps out of the UICW’s 8.5″ barrel.

Their Six8A2 is an entry level gun. It features ambi controls and a quad rail. Next, is the SPR which is similar to their IC platform developed for the US Army Individual Carbine competition. It features a mono forged upper receiver as well as ambi controls. The Limited Edition Razorback model is the same as the SPR but features a laser engraved razorback and comes with 500 rounds of ammo. There is also the Six8 UICW that was sold overseas under contract and they are working on a PDW variant.

Remember, these use proprietary magazines developed specifically for the gun by Magpul but LWRCi tells me these are available.

Six8 SPR



Six8 Razorback



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One Response to “SHOT Show – LWRCi”

  1. Blehtastic says:

    6.8 SPC? Or another 6.8 round?