
SOFIC 2014 – Atlas Devices – Sled Dog Pack from PMK Solutions

The guys at Atlas Devices showed us a new product developed by PMK Solutions (USAF PJ) called the Sled Dog Pack. We’ll give you a sneak peek and follow up soon with a full article.


Designed specifically for PJs and Medics, the heart of the Sled Dog Pack is the aluminum frame sheet (for stability and durability) that integrates PALS Compatible slots into the design called MSIG for MOLLE System Integrated Gear.


The MSIG offers shoulder straps and a padded yoke and lumbar which is removable to accommodate armor. The MSIG pouches include a micro haul kit, crash axe and GP pouch.


It also incorporates a Removable waist belt called the MARCH Belt (Massive, Hemorrhaging, Airway, Respiration, Circulation, Hypothermia). MARCH is a trauma treatment protocol and the belt is configured specifically to support that treatment. Internally, the sleeve offers pockets for casualty cards and chem lights and the outer area offers two rows of PALS webbing. The sleeve accepts load rated belts. The pouches mounted from left to right support the MARCH acronym.


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8 Responses to “SOFIC 2014 – Atlas Devices – Sled Dog Pack from PMK Solutions”

  1. Eddie says:

    Oh my- ~Swoon~ x – x (fantastic looking system, a pack you can configure to what is on there, me gusta!)

  2. Bravo says:

    That frame is exactly what I’ve been looking for to hook up my Kifaru load carrier to. It looks MUCH lighter than the molle frame I’m currently using. When and how much?!!!

  3. Luke says:

    seems like a much cleaner solution then the molle panel internal frames out there. I wonder why they didn’t curve it to match sapi plates or a back, probably pretty easy to do yourself I guess.

  4. tackleberry says:

    Sweet Sauce, digging it!

  5. Kit Tragic says:

    I’d love to see the review – I’ve been looking for something like this for ages.

  6. Dave Cruz says:

    Thanks for the remarks, guys. We have been working on this project with the PJ community for the past year. This was the first prototype made out of aluminum. We are currently working on a carbon fiber frame which will be molded/curved to offer a better fit. So we appreciate your feedback and will have pricing, availability asap. Just working through the patent and design issues right now. We are excited about this system. Thanks again. D. Cruz, PMK Rescue Solutions

  7. Steve P says:

    Looking forward to review… do you have an idea when? This really looks bad ass and very user friendly.

  8. Tackleberry says:

    Looking forward to it D. Cruz.