GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

AN/MSR-1 Intercept Van

The AN/MSR-1 was used by USAF Security Agency personnel during the Viet Nam war to monitor friendly communications in SIGSEC missions. Capable of monitoring HF, VHF and UHF radio transmissions, the AN/MSR-1 could also monitor microwave communications. In addition to three receivers, the system was originally equipped with 12 tape recorders.


This ‘Misery’ is on display at the USAF Museum’s South East Asia War gallery at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH.

9 Responses to “AN/MSR-1 Intercept Van”

  1. Terry says:

    Very cool. I really like obscure, old military vehicles.

  2. Fly on the Wall says:

    Very late war or the shelter’s on a newer chassis: that’s a 1971 or later Chevy Van chassis.

    • SSD says:

      Not sure on the ping re of this particular van but it’s in the museum. Also, the Air Force continued to deploy the latest and greatest systems right up until the end of the conflict.

  3. AGL Bob says:

    I like the discone antennas. It’s a great design for extreme broadband reception.

  4. RandomLuck says:

    Just the other night I was looking at the British RB44 http://goo.gl/1n7VLX

  5. matty says:

    Love WPAFB museum.

  6. Stuart Neilson says:

    I like the way that a sneaky beaky vehicle is painted in dark colours with no badges or I/D markings thus ensuring that it sticks out like a bulldog’s bolloxs.