
SHOT Show – Oakley Chamber

The new Chamber pack is designed for discreet carry of a firearm in the removable chest mounted pouch. This smaller pocket can also be stored by clipping into place at the rear of the pack.


Internally, it has a Velcro panel for use of modular pouches.


The Chamber also has a dedicated Eyepro pouch as well as an electronics pouch built into the pack.


35 Responses to “SHOT Show – Oakley Chamber”

  1. J.H.S says:

    I think they need to learn what “discreet” means in reference to concealing a weapon, and then go back to the drawing board. That is without a doubt the silliest pack/pouch Ive ever seen.

  2. HSD says:

    If I wanted that, I’d go to Hill People Gear and get the real thing

  3. Coastie says:

    Discreet huh? =\

  4. tdb says:

    Looks like a poorly-executed ripoff of Hill People Gear…

  5. Clay says:

    That’s as far from discreet as you can get.

  6. Preston says:

    You’re better off concealing in a fanny pack than that “discrete” bag

  7. John G says:

    Doesn’t Kifaru make a pouch like this as well? The Koala I think?

    • straps says:

      IIRC Kifaru’s Koala was done in collaboration with HPG’s founders.

      Each product has evolved in slightly different directions, and it’s great that folks have choices.

  8. straps says:

    That guy looks embarrassed to be in that photo.

  9. Greg says:

    Front Toward Media

  10. Paul says:

    “You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?”

  11. Dellis says:

    You’re mugger for the evening would say, ….Good evening sir. I’ll be your mugger this evening. Kindly unzip the front pouch and hand over the “discreetly hid firearm” Thank You.

  12. reverend says:

    Since it’s a “Discreet Pouch” why not just go all the way, and call it a “D-Bag”? Just askin’.

  13. DA says:

    The Borne Bjorn. The look on this guys face says it all – ” THIS is decreet?”

  14. Rob says:

    Contrasting buckles and Oakley logo. On a chest pack. Discrete…
    I wonder if it has pockets that hold Pop Tarts…

  15. Klein-karoo says:

    No..just no.