GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

German Military’s Uniform Supplier Facing Bankruptcy


According the Bild am Sonntag, the German Bundeswehr’s clothing supplier, the LH Bundeswehr Bekleidungsgesellschaft mbH (LHBw). Have posted a $12,8 million Euro loss, LHBw can’t order additional stock placing the Army in a precarious position. A public-private partnership, LHBw has asked the Army (25.1% owner of the concern) for a 104 Million Euro cash infusion last month which was rejected. Instead, the Army is considering purchasing the company’s core business outright or in conjunction with other investors.


8 Responses to “German Military’s Uniform Supplier Facing Bankruptcy”

  1. 10thMountainMan says:

    Perhaps the Germans just want a more hip look for their uniforms. Something with a little more pizzazz. We should give them UCP and see how it works out.

    • airborne engineer says:

      Äh let me think about it – no! Flecktarn is a lot better than UCP!

      • Silver Dragon says:

        We should give the Germans the Digital Woodland and Digital 3 Color Desert Camo uniform since the Germans would look like retards in UCP.

  2. Richard says:

    The specials have OCP. Bought directly, without LHBw. Their stock had been worse since years, since they started to buy products without the chance to ever sell it again.

  3. Darrel says:

    Surprised there isn’t anyone jumping up to take this business from them.

  4. sww says:

    Like Darrel I’m surprised no one seems to jump at this chance of business when they are some good uniform specialist in Europe (Arktis, NFM and the like).

    • gast13 says:

      From what I understand it’s just the service company distributing and fixing uniforms. No manufacturing involved. I doubt it’d be a profitable investment.

  5. JPW says:

    I am really looking forward when our political class starts to learn that armed forces can not be regarded as civilian employers. Since the end of our compulsory military service we are facing the new challenges in security policy with dropped trousers. Well – may be soon with no trousers at all.