
Lancer Systems – Notice of Possible L5AWM Compatibility Issue

We just received this note from Lancer Systems.

May 29, 2015

To Our Customers:

If you recently purchased an L5AWM magazine, it may contain a non-conforming follower. The non-conforming followers, which were manufactured below the allowable limit of tolerance, could fail to lock the bolt back after the last round has been fired in a small percentage of rifle platforms.

I sincerely apologize that you may have received anything less than a 100% reliable Lancer product. If you purchased a L5AWM magazine with a follower date code of March 2015 (3/15), we will send you a replacement follower free of charge. You can check your follower’s date code to verify the manufacture date. See procedure for determining the date code and assembly on our website. Replacements will be processed via email. Please email Lancer directly for a replacement at and include the following information: Retailer, Date of purchase, Quantity of followers that need replaced, and your shipping address. For additional questions, please call 610.973.2644.

The reliability of our L5AWMs, and every product we engineer and manufacture, is our absolute highest priority. We’ve corrected this manufacturing issue and have taken specific steps to ensure our followers always meet the highest standards so our customers can continue to fully trust their Lancer magazines.

If you have questions about our L5AWM magazines, or any Lancer product, please contact us; we’re listening. We want to know how we can improve and bring you the best, most reliable weapons and components available.


Bill Meiklejohn
President, Lancer Systems


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