RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

LBT Expands Doug’s Trench, More Opportunities For Custom Colors

LBT Inc is expanding their Doug’s Trench program to allow customers to choose the colorways of existing products. It’s not a full custom shop but rather an opportunity to “make it yours”.


LBT will review concepts weekly and contact submitters.  Custom fabrics must be available and minimums will apply but will vary depending on the project.  However, I know they’ve done runs with minimums as small as 25 to 50 so crowdfunding with your buddies is important in order to make it happen.  

For full details, visit lbtinc.com/dougstrench.


25 Responses to “LBT Expands Doug’s Trench, More Opportunities For Custom Colors”

  1. Jason says:

    That’s pretty cool! Usually people are turned off by the high price of getting a custom job because it’s a one off for the company. But if demand is out there, it’s a win win for both the customers and the company. Awesome idea.

  2. Lasse says:

    Their inbox is gonna be swarmed with AOR1 and whatever stuff SEALs have ever used…

    It’s a cool idea though.

    • I’ve sent 12 request for AOR1 already, no one will answer me.

      • Alex says:

        AOR fabrics are restricted so that’ll never happen unless LBT wants to lose their contracts

        • D.B. says:

          This is correct.
          Unless you’re on a gov’t contract access to NyCo and FR rayon based AOR I+II are restricted to civilians etc. This also extends to blueberry digi camo used on NWU Type I.

          If people are still keen on AOR camo they can source it in cheaper non-milspec materials like 60/40 and 35/65 Cotton/Poly cloth thru few of the existing Chinese manufacturers replicating and copying (read: ripping off) genuine AOR patters. These however come in substantial bulks, they won’t be interested in selling you in smaller quantities. Their business is , of course illegal, so buyer beware.

          • Lasse says:

            Now why would you use NyCo or Rayon in any of LBTs products? Want an 6094 out of that type of fabric? I’ll answer for you, you don’t.

            Never mind the legalities of it, they will still have requests for it. I guarantee it. I’ll actually go as far as buying you a beer if AOR1 is not in the top 5 patterns requested.

            • Dev says:

              That’s his point. You can’t get AOR unless you have proper authorisation from the right government sources. Full stop.

              Anyways who gives a fuck about AOR? There are way more interesting patterns out there. I personally would like to see more stuff done in Brookwood Mill’s “rejected” pattern for starters.

              • Lasse says:

                Who gives a fuck? Airsofters and collectors. The people that pay $2500 for an admin pouch. That’s who. Bet still stands for D.B as long as we can get the data.

                • Dev says:

                  Yeah, nah. It’s a restricted pattern full stop. If a group of wannabes want to get their grimey little paws on it enlist and sign up for BUD/S. Or serve in a unit that gets issued said equipment.

                  I’d very like to own an MBITR or DAGR once I leave the ADF but let’s be honest that’s not going to happen.

  3. Allon says:

    Now I can finally get that 6094 in Kryptek Inferno!

    Joking aside, cool concept & wish them luck

  4. Alex says:

    If it’s popular enough to produce then produce it. No need to crowd fund.

    Doesn’t Crye have a similar policy for custom uniforms? I believe Eagle did as well. Go to them with 25-50 units and they’ll do it for you.

    Nothing new here, move along.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Eagle yes; Crye won’t, I’ve tried, though after talking to Caleb he says he’s not against it.

      Nothing new for most companies, but most companies don’t market the capability.

      • Lasse says:

        Crye did it with NFM. It was ~500 CP, FP and FS if I remember correctly and NFM did supply the base fabric. They’ve also done it with a Danish company and German company. But at that quantity, it’s basically “no”.

  5. Geoff says:

    It’d be nice if there was a way for guys needing a few more buyers to qualify for production could post Their needs. It’ll help the group and get guys who would never get a large enough group an opportunity to get in on the fun.

    • Sigmanuken says:

      I second this – be great if they would post a crowd source link for the chosen custom job for people to join. Couple ideas below-

      – 6094uw kit in MAS Grey
      – 6094 in Tiger Stripe
      – 6094 in Multicam Arid
      – 1497 in multicam black or Mas grey
      – 6094 in US4CES Bravo 3

    • dcusa says:

      Geoff, you raise an excellent and important point. From the way it is worded on the LBT site. The term crowd funding hopefully means something like kickstarter.

      As in, LBT places a link with description and checkout payment window, on their site collecting payments from people interested in ordering my submission and its possible mini kit list item(s). If we are shy a few people, perhaps a Secret Santa comes in to help with the remaining quantity, so there would be no need for refund. Or LBT comes in and takes up the remaining quantity required for run as the Secret Santa.

      At the same time, we try to post that link in areas of interest to attract customers. I feel this would be the best way. As opposed to each of us, roaming the web, collecting payments from people who do not know or trust us, me sending the money collected as one payment to LBT, receiving the whole order shipment from LBT upon completion and then individually shipping to each buyer myself.

      Since official entities always have access to LBT product through existing channels and this may not be the purpose. Keeping in mind that this may be a program more for collectors and a way to introduce more of the public to LBT products.

      I emailed pictures of the PC version with a few views, with model #, label, to LBT with my submission, so they have a better idea which one was of interest.

      I could use some good luck from all of you, to send supportive emails to LBT, for my submission list to LBT below:

      A) Revision/Color: MAS Grey (NIR Anti IR low signature fabric and materials)

      I selected this color because it has an on and off again history of being restricted and unrestricted by LBT. For this reason, this color may therefore attract more collectors to get us over the top.

      Also I believe is a proprietary color by LBT, so I hope that may help with the price, as opposed to LBT having to source and pay for fabric with the Crye Precision proprietary logo.

      B) Given the geographic features of our areas. I submitted a RFQ, for the version of the 6094 which combines the features of Release (RS) with the Underway (UW), to represent the “best” within reason, suited for our sporting purposes needs that the family likes the most.

      C) I also requested an optional mini minimum kit list.

      MAS Grey LBT-2744R Embroidered Shield with Lion Patch

      MAS Grey LBT-6142D Molle 70 Oz Hydration Pouch with Linar and w/ or without Source Bladder

      MAS Grey LBT-9022B Medical Blowout Pouch BELT/MOLLE

      MAS Grey LBT-2645C and/or LBT-2645A w/ S&S Precision MAS GREY color plastic pull tabs.

      MAS Grey LBT-6146A w/ S&S Precision MAS GREY color plastic pull tabs.

      If possible and available, I requested snag free versions of the mag pouches, to be more universal. To accommodate Steyr AUG 30/42rd, H&K G36, SAN Swiss SIG 5.56 550-553 20-30rd and AK etc., since these are common arms encountered in the current Europe, Africa and Middle East conflict zones.

      Having recently tested a MAS Grey 6146A single, unfortunately the S&SP pull tabs, thin bungee, folded inward lips (as opposed to folded out), a generally smaller cell cavity (that still needs to be enlarged a bit) and a flying LBT Red Lion logo label sewn inside the pouch cell, are snagging on the mags. So we still need some more mods and hopefully a redesign, to make them more universal.

      While also popular in the USA amongst collectors, gun owners, NFA crowd, with the hopes of attracting and introducing more new customers to LBT products. These mag pouches pouch should easily be able to accommodate all these popular, different and longer magazine types, along with that of the newer thicker plastic M4.

      Since LBT already makes available a number of standard MAS Grey items to the public, I did not include too many of those. I tried to focus on items not readily available or a must have to attract collectors.

      For fear of increasing the price too much, I did not request the CASS with Belt Kit as part of this package. If many of you feel this is an absolute necessity, please email your interest to LBT ASAP to add that to the optional mini kit list for this submission.

      I would also appreciate some of your thoughts on what you believe LBT would charge for the PC and optional mini kit. I am under the impression that such items will be based closer to LBT MSRP.

      If you are interested in reading more about my selection, please view the Tactical Gear Forum on AR15.com. Please keep in mind that the link provided is not my website but a site where I posted to see interest and gain some information:


      I realize it is going to take a miracle to make this happen. LBT could of course deny or modify this selection to just a simple (RS) PC in MAS Grey with a kit list similar to that of the past 6094 DCU kit offering. Thank you

      * Had a system crash-disconnect on my bad connection, not sure if this post was successfully entered here, please excuse and remove any double post,

  6. straps says:

    Yup, I found Doug’s trench completely by axident when looking for Multicam Black pouches (for a weekend pack) from a reputable company.

    Will be interesting to see how this works out…

  7. dcusa says:

    If anyone knows, what is the consensus for the best LBT molle strap mounting system, the traditional metal snap buttons or LBT fabric tuck tabs? I am thinking about revising a LBT submission ASAP to request all tuck tab versions that I like.

  8. KaosKydex says:

    Well one of my submissions was approved (MC Black 9022) but does not appear that Project Gold Label is off to a good start. I also placed an order for the Realtree assault pack. But it appears this Project needs more advertisement, as only 1 other person has placed an order. Hope this gets off the ground soon.