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Daniel Defense Rifle Featured on Cover of ‘Popular Mechanics’ Special Forces Issue

Black Creek, GA – April 12, 2016 – Daniel Defense, engineer and manufacturer of the world’s finest firearms and accessories, is pleased to announce that its MK18 Factory SBR rifle will appear on the cover of the upcoming issue of Popular Mechanics. In the May 2016 “Tough Guys”-themed issue, the magazine highlights “The Future of Special Forces,” and its cover features a model decked out in gear typically used by Special Forces operators, including a conspicuously held DD MK18 rifle.

“This is a major accomplishment for us and our Team,” said Daniel Defense Chief Marketing Officer, Cindy Daniel. “Both in terms of prestige and in exposure of our rifle, and our company, to a whole new audience—one not necessarily part of the tactical or hunting communities.”

Daniel Defense leveraged its extensive media relations to get the MK18 featured on the Popular Mechanics cover in order to reach a “more mainstream” audience. While Daniel Defense rifles and products have been featured in various publications over the years, most of those publications were tactical- and/or hunting/outdoor-themed. Popular Mechanics, part of Hearst Direct Media, promotes itself as “the essential handbook for curious, active people” and operates under the tagline “How Your World Works.” Its circulation is 1.2 million, and the magazine is most popular with men between the ages of 35 and 49.

The DD MK18 rifle features the RIS II Rail System Daniel Defense currently provides to US SOCOM, and a 10.3” Cold Hammer Forged Barrel. It has an MSRP of $1749 and is available directly from Daniel Defense (www.danieldefense.com) or authorized retailers. Along with the DD MK18, several other best-selling tactical products are featured on the PM cover and within the issue, including a SureFire SOCOM Series 5.56mm suppressor, a Tactical Night Vision Company Tactical Application Pressure Switch (TNVC TAPS), and an Insight ATPIAL-C (AN/PEQ-15) Advanced Target Pointer/Illuminator Aiming Laser.

The May 2016 Popular Mechanics issue hits newsstands the week of April 11, 2016. To learn more about the magazine or to read highlighted stories, visit: www.popularmechanics.com.

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19 Responses to “Daniel Defense Rifle Featured on Cover of ‘Popular Mechanics’ Special Forces Issue”

  1. Scott Clark says:

    Congratulations DD. I love my MK18 & my Surefire 556SB.

  2. 18Derp says:

    “Leveraged their extensive [bla bla bla] to get on the cover”

    Yea… having had products on the covers of such magazines, NOTHING gets in there without your PR company handling it. DD can pay for a cover and that’s nice, but no real achievement.

    The biggest social achievement is that a mk18 is acceptable on a cover (but only in terms of special forces). I’ll be impressed when it’s not solider oriented and makes the cover despite that mostly being a financial challenge.

    • SSD says:

      Some brands don’t have PR companies.

      • Thomas says:

        18 Derp, Daniel Defense does all of their PR in house and does not use an agency.

        • JJ says:

          Why is this an accomplishment? Who reads this rag? I would say this is a big deal if it were but I’m not understanding why DD is always sending out these press releases that NO ONE cares about

        • Captain Albatross says:

          It doesn’t matter whether you have an agency or the owners wife doing it, all it takes is cash. They aren’t awarded the stairs and key cards at SHOT Show and they didn’t win this cover either, they bought it. It may be a smart move but it’s not genius.

    • straps says:

      Another testimonial for DD’s promotional prowess is that I recognized that stock right off the bat.

      The whole military theme/civvie gun thing is because it’s unlikely a black rifle (or any other firearm) will make the cover of a mainstream mag absent the “legitimacy” of a military or police (to a lesser extent, these days) application. Lawfully Armed Citizen? THAT will be an achievement.

  3. J.V. says:

    Personally I find it much more interesting that the model’s eyeballs are apparently located in his cheeks next to his nose.

  4. Dellis says:

    Just bought my third DD, an MK18 and now I play the wait game for tax stamp but it will be worth it.

    Cool to see this on a magazine such as popular mechanics

  5. SoloDallas says:

    I have been a huge fan od DD for a while, now owning an Mk18, M4A1 and M4V11 (in MilSpec+). It’s just terrific stuff.

  6. aussiejim says:

    he wearing an aussie multicam pattern under Armour shirt

  7. Dellis says:

    Wait….cause a lighthouse was moved global warmin…..oh sorry, “climate change”, is for reals?

  8. Alex says:

    Anyone notice the ballistic chops on the bump helmet?

    • JKifer says:

      yup, or how about that crappy rats tk blocking proper stock placement… but hey, at least hes got that finger placement in check

  9. Grunt says:

    Special Forces “Operator”? …Advisor, trainer, sure. I guess everyone is JSOC now.

    • SSD says:

      The USASOC Operating Concept issued in 2015 refers to USASOC operations personnel as Operators.