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Now Available, The TRU (Tactical Response Uniform) In New A-TACS iX Camo From TRU-SPEC


TRU-SPEC, one of the leading suppliers of uniforms and personal equipment to the military, law enforcement, and public safety markets, has announced the addition of the new A-TACS iX Camo pattern to their popular Tactical Response Uniform selections – and they are now available for purchase.

A-TACS Camo, one of the most trusted “go-to” force protection and concealment systems on the planet, utilized the very latest in printing andcamouflage design technology, combined with the perfect blend of colors from the already popular A-TACS AU and FG camouflage patterns to create a pattern with vastly improved depth and definition for the new A-TACS iX camouflage.

The pattern also incorporates enhanced edge detail in the transitional areas between light and shadow within the pattern to create the added illusion of depth while maintaining the unique A-TACS Camo “pattern within a pattern” concept.

Best suited for transitional environments with a blended mix of intermediate greens and desert tans, the new A-TACS iX Camo is now available in TRU-SPEC’s high tech Tactical Response Uniform (TRU) in 50/50 CORUDURA nylon cotton, TRU Shirt, TRU Pant, TRU ¼ Zip Combat Shirt, Boonie, Ball Cap and Contractor Cap.

“TRU-SPEC is extremely excited about the addition of this new pattern from A-TACS Camo,” stated TRU-SPEC Vice President of Marketing, Darrell Jacks. “Our partnership with A-TACS Camo was developed because it made sense for our customers in the law enforcement and military markets.

The addition of the A-TACS iX Camo pattern to the apparel our first-responders are currently wearing ensures that we will continue to offer our heroes a line of trusted apparel with cutting-edge patterns that matches their performance in ensuring our safety.”

The A-TACS iX pattern is available through selected TRU-SPEC dealers or at

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4 Responses to “Now Available, The TRU (Tactical Response Uniform) In New A-TACS iX Camo From TRU-SPEC”

  1. Taylor L says:

    Sweet, tiger stripe. Love it… original…

  2. Disco says:

    I for one am ready for Vietnam War II: This time it’s Personal.
    Regardless, Tiger Stripes are always cool.

  3. SteveB says:

    Just got a set. First impression is very positive. The dark stripes are not black, but a dark OD or brown. Not nearly as dark as Vietnam Tiger. Good balance of natural looking tans and olives. Compared to multicam, it’s a little darker and slightly more olive. It’s more disruptive than the other ATACS patterns, which is good thing. I especially find the current FG lacking in this department (and too light/tan for a verdant pattern), but hopefully the new FG-X will fix this. My experience with 50/50 nyco from tru-spec is far better than the Propper POLY-cotton, which fades and pils horribly.

    Recommended for sure.

    BTW-the best solid colors for gear with IX is subdued olives/tans. Crocodile, Ranger Green, tan 499 and the more subdued ODs work better with it than Coyote Brown.