FirstSpear TV

Warrior Assault Systems Launching New A-TACS iX Pattern

Warrior Assault Systems has been working closely with A-TACS Camo to launch their new A-TACS iX pattern for the Warrior Assault Systems product line.

Clint Hoover, Business Development at A-TACS Camo had the following statement to make while displays are now in place at Ranger Joe’s and Commandos retail stores in Columbus GA. We are really excited to get a read on the general public coming though and seeing the new A-TACS iX pattern. I can tell you that the initial comments from the store employees and management was very positive. Not only the floor managers; the leadership was impressed with the look and products. It is a big weekend here at Ft Benning with Family days, Infantry & Armor Graduations, Ranger School Graduation and other events. Staff at both stores said they will have thousands if not ten thousand people come thought their doors in a 5 day period. Tru Spec is really out front with a solid introduction of the TRU uniforms in A-TACS iX; and thanks to many of you, we have some awesome gear finishing the displays out.

You can also see some of the Warrior Assault Systems product line in recent movies, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi along with the History Channels new Series SIX. Companies Interested in carrying the Warrior Assault Systems product line can contact Chase Tactical at

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3 Responses to “Warrior Assault Systems Launching New A-TACS iX Pattern”

  1. bulldog76 says:

    one of my favorites to come out of the camo wars its a modern tiger stripe and i love me some tiger stripes

    • Craig says:

      Yeah, agreed.

      The more things change, the more they stay the same.Tigerstripe just works. Make it, assign a NSN and issue it (for appropriate environments)…

    • 9MM Shooter says:

      I’m glad I’m not alone in seeing the similarities to tiger stripe. Maybe we’ll see this pattern in different colors in the future?