SureFire XC3

Introducing New A-TACS LE-X

Last year A-TACS Camo introduced its A-TACS iX (Intermediate Xtreme) pattern as the central pattern in their “X” camo lineup. Later, they followed with the introduction of A-TACS AT-X, (Arctic Tundra Xtreme) which was quickly adopted by the Norwegian Special Forces. Now Digital Concealment Systems is releasing a new and enhanced version of their original Law Enforcement Pattern called A-TACS LE-X (Law Enforcement Xtreme).

Like the original A-TACS LE pattern, the new LE-X variant was developed primarily for use by Urban and Metropolitan SRT teams conducting low-light operations. The pattern is also suited to a wide range of other tactical military and law enforcement applications.

The Black, blue and grey coloration in A-TACS LE-X also works well with the black nylon gear utilized by many SRT personnel, which allows for easier integration into service.

In the coming weeks and months, new A-TACS LE-X will be introduced on a wide range of uniform and nylon gear options by a CORE group of A-TACS Camo brand partners including TRU-SPEC, Tactical Tailor, OPS Gear, Tactical Performance Corp. and others. Press releases and availability dates on specific product offerings will be forthcoming. For additional information, contact A-TACS Camo by e-mail at:


27 Responses to “Introducing New A-TACS LE-X”

  1. J.D. says:

    Hopefully an AU-X to follow. The original AU is darn near invisible in the desert southwest.

  2. cimg says:

    cheaper to just get all the blueberrys the Navy just dumped. I don’t understand blue camo.

    • Burdy says:

      Judging by the other pictures I have to think that first pic is just a lighting issue. The rest look grey.

      • Patrick says:

        To me, it looks like the second two pictures are the ones that have been touched up and/or used filters. Unfortunately, the first pic is probably closest to the final product.

      • CRBLR says:

        I bought a backpack in the LE color scheme and it’s really a grey/black pattern. The blue hue is probably a lighting/white balance issue from the camera. To the naked eye it is hardly as blue as it is in the photos.

        This new LEX might increase an operator’s tactical performance, if you can mount a light or a laser to the camo pattern then you know your in business.

  3. John says:

    Honest not sure why police would need camouflage like this. Unless they are working in near the border or doing some stuff like looking for fugitives in the woods. Just wear solid color, blue, black, OD, tan, brown etc.

    • Thomas Madere says:

      Spot on what John said. Police in camo look stupid just as civilians do.

    • Jeremy says:

      Coolguy syndrome…

      • Kev says:

        You can’t think of one scenario where it’s safer for a cop and or a bad guy for the cop not to be prematurely observed?

    • Patrick says:

      Let’s say a police for has something called a budget (crazy, I know) and their SWAT or SRT can afford exactly one team uniform. Now suppose that they do in fact go after criminals both inside city limits, and out in the surrounding wilderness. Would it not make sense for them to have and wear camouflage to better operate in rural areas?

    • Darkhorse says:

      They should prob just go back to carrying .38 Specials too…

      • SSD says:


      • balais says:

        no, strawslinger, nobody is arguing that.

        • Jester says:

          Nobody is making a good argument against amouflage for the police by any stretch, either. It appears a. Lot of readers are out of touch with the business of fighting crime.

          • Jester says:

            Nobody is making a good argument against camouflage for the police by any stretch, either. It appears a. Lot of readers are out of touch with the business of fighting crime.

  4. Jeff says:

    This looks like the Blue tiger the USAF tried to put out a long time ago!

  5. The Monkey says:

    Like folks are saying it seems unclear if trying to be a hi-viz color or not, but the first pic sure isn’t blending in with concrete….Which appears to be the least blasted by special flashes out of the photo batch.

  6. Disco says:

    I approve. This looks like the sci fi, space camo that the 80s promised us. It looks cyberpunk.

    It doesnt hide you but it looks cool and futuristic.

  7. balais says:

    They going for the OMON look?

  8. Jester says:

    Police don’t need camouflage any more than they need semi automatic handguns or bulletproof vests. All they have to do is say “here fella, stop that monkey business and accompany me to the jail, please.”

    • Steven S says:

      All of these LE/police camouflage patterns do not have any scientific evidence to back up how effective they are in urban operations. Also, most of the “urban” patterns, you can simply look at it to notice major design flaws. Take this pattern for example. The low contrast/distribution alone makes this pattern ineffective, you might as well be wearing a dark blue solid colored uniform.

      • Jester says:

        Good point, as all policing takes place in urban environments. God knows the police are never needed in rural areas.

        • Steven S says:

          Nice strawman argument.

          My comment did not say, or suggest, that police should not use camouflage, or that it was not needed.

          If you reread what I typed, you can see that

          #1 I was criticizing LE/police/urban specific camouflage patterns because they have questionable effectiveness.

          #2 Just because you say police need camouflaged uniforms doesn’t mean they should buy stuff that doesn’t work.

  9. Stu says:

    I think Police Departments need their own camouflage. I believe that certain people, civilians, might have a harder time distinguishing between if a police officer is really a police officer and not military, aside from full body badging and velcro backed billboards denoting it.

    A SWAT member in black or blue looks cooler than one in ACUs anyways. ACUs suck.

  10. bloke_from_ohio says:

    LEOs already have better camouflage than any soldier is allowed to wear in battle. They can deploy plain cloths officers kitted out to blend in with the population instead of the terrain. It is way easier to make a person look like an uninteresting person than to look like a trees.