SIG SAUER - Never Settle

The Q Ball – SHOT Show 2017

Traditionally, Kevin Brittingham has been known for holding some really great SHOT show parties at the Rio’s Voodoo Lounge. If you want to know what a Kevin Brittingham SHOT Show party is like, this  video from 2010 features MiniKISS. It was a rocking good time.

Now that he has the new company Q, why should things be any different? In fact, I’d bet The Q Ball will be even better.

You need to four important things about this event: Zip line, party, girls, fun! Sounds great, right? Be Military, Government or an Industry customer, and you are the kind of person this party is meant for. However, it’s invite only, so the only way to get a pass is through a sponsor, or Q. Unfortunately, there is a limited number of passes as the venue holds only about 500 people. There are still sponsorship packages available and interested parties can reach out to for more info.

If a cool party atmosphere wasn’t enough of a reason to go, how about some business? The Q Ball will feature product releases as well as giveaways and an auction to benefit the great work of the Special Operations Care-Fund.

As an aside for those of you who attend all of these parties at SHOT Show, that graphic gives you an idea of what they cost. So think about that next time you’re sucking down booze provided by a company that you’ll never buy a thing from. Vegas isn’t cheap and Q isn’t making money here, they’re just paying the going rate.

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One Response to “The Q Ball – SHOT Show 2017”

  1. That party was one of the highlights of my trip down in 2010. Kevin sure knows how to throw a party.