
SSD Saturday Night At The Movies Presents Classix: Die Luftwaffe der Bundeswehr 

Thulsa Doom turned me on to this cool Cold War-era (1968), German documentary, entitied “Classix: Die Luftwaffe der Bundeswehr zeigt ihr Können während der Übung „schneller Pfeil“ which showcases their aerial delivery and Close Air Support capabilities during exercise Fast Arrow. Watching an F104 deliver CAS is priceless.


5 Responses to “SSD Saturday Night At The Movies Presents Classix: Die Luftwaffe der Bundeswehr ”

  1. Gerard says:

    Wow amazing visuals, that formation flying is impressive and watching napalm bombing runs always leaves me in awe

    • PTMcCain says:

      For some reason, this time while watching the napalm run I just thought, “I feel sorry for the poor bastards under all that napalm.”

  2. PTMcCain says:

    The Starfighter almost looks like an X-Wing fighter…or is it the other way around?

  3. Mike Nomad says:

    Many Thanks for the post. I don’t know that I’ve previously seen that many F-104s in the same place at the same time…