TYR Tactical

The Range At Austin – Gunfighter Club

The primary purpose behind the GUNFIGHTER Club is helping students sustain their skills. The secondary purpose is providing a gateway for improving their skills. Whether you need to brush up, or invest time at building a solid foundation this program is an excellent balance of value and performance.

The GUNFIGHTER Club gives access to all training classes put on by the Range at Austin for a low monthly fee of $225.00. The monthly fee will give you access to 16 hours per month of training.

What else do you get for being a part of GUNFIGHTER Club; access and opportunity. You will have access to participate in our staff’s monthly 2-hour Professional Development or PRODEV sessions commensurate with your skill level. In addition, the opportunity to try new courses of fire, drill of the day and concealment league scenarios.

The goal for the GUNFIGHTER Club is to sustain skills we know to be perishable, but also to improve upon them and that takes hard work. I have struggled over the years recognizing the limitations to training opportunities and the frequencies of training. It is my intention to shatter these barriers that prevent folks from reaching their goals.

The monthly fee does not include ammunition, rentals or supporting equipment and cannot be used in conjunction with any sales or specials to include our guest instructors. The first 3 months must be paid in advance to join with monthly payments beginning after and no rollover for training hours.

For more information or to secure your spot please feel free to contact me at jeffg@therangeaustin.com

Jeff Gonzales
Director of Training
The Range at Austin

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6 Responses to “The Range At Austin – Gunfighter Club”

  1. Hubb says:

    I need to move back to Texas.

  2. Michael Bradley says:

    Should be more like a year for that. Not making much these days

  3. Homer says:

    I’ve trained with Jeff and I genuinely wish the best for this venture. But the kind of guys who would drop that kind of monthly coin for the membership are the ones already funding their own training. Hard to see how many could handle both the cost and the schedule demands of such an investment.

    But if anyone can figure this out, it’s Jeff.

  4. MidGasFan says:

    What a great idea! There is a range in SW Washington state that is charging 200$ per month plus a 1500$ initiation fee and you get access to quarterly clinics. There are some cool benefits but I’d take Jeff’s deal in a heart beat!

    Unfortunately, 16 hours of training is about 16 more than most people I meet at local shops have had. I wish it wasn’t that way but people get embarrassed and just like to be comfortable. Guns fights aren’t comfortable, from what I understand!

    Hopefully more ranges will get good instructors and give a organ like this a go.

    Congrats, Jeff!