TYR Tactical

Colt Announces Delta Elite Rail Gun

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (January 4, 2017) – Often considered the manufacturer that saved the 10mm round from obscurity in the 1980’s, Colt readies yet another offering in that powerful chambering with the new Delta Elite® Rail Gun®. Aimed toward the outdoorsman who requires a sidearm stout enough for midsized game who prefers the proven 1911 platform, the Delta Elite® has always been a top choice. With its recent redesign, it didn’t seem that the model could get any better, but Colt found a way to improve upon the design again by offering the Delta Elite® with an accessory rail.

“The Delta Elite® started its life as tactical option for 1911 enthusiasts who required more stopping power than your tradition .45 ACP,” said Justin Baldini, Product Director for Colt. “In that world, an accessory rail makes a lot of sense. What we’ve seen, though, is that this is a great platform for hunting pig or other medium sized game. In those types of scenarios, proper illumination is critical, so I think hunters will really appreciate the ability to add on their favorite rail-mounted lighting.”

All of the enhanced features from the newly redesigned Delta Elite® are present on the Rail Gun® version, including the upswept beavertail grip safety, extended thumb safety, all stainless steel construction, composite stocks with Delta medallions, and Novak white dot sights. The SKU is O2020RG, and the MSRP is $1,299.



7 Responses to “Colt Announces Delta Elite Rail Gun”

  1. Gerard says:

    Colt didn’t save the 10mm GLOCK saved it with their model 29. Let’s keep the history accurate

    • SA John Hall of the FBI’s Firearms Training Unit used his personal Colt Delta Elite for the Bureau’s initial tests of the 10mm cartridge. The FBI’s adoption of the 10mm spurred additional manufacturers to chamber pistols for the cartridge, including Glock.

    • Marcus says:

      So I’ve heard this debate before. Let me see if I can do this from memory and tell me where I’ve gone wrong.

      The 10mm cartridge originally was developed in 1983. The first gun to use it was the “Bren Ten” a CZ 75 variant which was made in limited production. The Colt Delta elite was released in 1987 and was the second commercial handgun to use the 10mm cartridge and has been in regular production since then. Somewhere in there S&W released the 1076, which the FBI adopted during there exploration of the 10mm (I want to say 1990). Enter Glock in 1991 with the Model 20 and 29 in 10mm.

      With that a serious question. How did Glock “save” the 10mm?

      • Gerard says:

        The Bren 10 was a no show for most people who wanted it. The Delta Elite was a much more available pistol. But it also had and continues to have issues with the pounding of the 10mm round and life expectancy. Its also a big heavy pistol. The Golck 29 was a light compact (at least more compact that a Gov model) that attracted a real following. Frank James was a huge fan of the Delta. But to most of us the Glock 29 was the best of all possible worlds.

        • Marcus says:

          The Delta Elite is a 1911 frame and weighs the same as Colts other comparable 1911’s (35 ounces unloaded?). I’m going to say that matter is debate for another day, because its largely a discussion of polymer frame (I believe the 29 is about 27 ounces) vs traditional 1911. Perhaps even standard vs compact frames.

          While Colt did have an issue with some of the original frames, I believe many of the original issues (reported by Glock owners as well) had to do with 10mm ammunition and the development of various rounds (FTE, FTF, slide issues, etc.).

          I think making the point of “saving” the round has to do with who was first, and who continually supported the platform. That designation clearly goes to Colt and in that respect I’ll have to agree with SSD.

          By the way, I think it’s admirable that Glock has also developed and supported the 10mm. In that respect everyone wins by gaining choices.

          • Gerard says:

            Well put Marcus, choices in the 10mm platform is a win for consumers. I actually like the new Colt, I think its biggest downside (as with most Colt 1911s is the series 80 safety)

  2. Dellis says:

    I’d like me a 10mm handgun but that’s a pricey gun to shoot with any regularity. Over a $1.20 a round in most cases for good ammo.