GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

SHOT Show 17 – Canik TP9SF Elite


The Canik TP9 series consists of a family of Turkish-made semi-auto handguns known for their surprisingly good quality relative to their price point. Given their popularity, it was only a matter of time until Canik released a compact model, which they did in the TP9SF Elite. Compact in this case means ‘roughly-equivalent-in-size-to-a-Glock-19’, which given the 15+1 capacity is an apt description. The slide features a Tungsten Grey Cerakote, with industry standard dovetail sight cuts, although the TP9SF Elite does comes standard with Warren Tactical sights with a red or green fiber optic front post. The mag catch is reversible for southpaws; the barrel is stated to be match grade; loaded chamber and striker status indicators are included; and the trigger feels better than a stock Glock trigger.

Like its larger siblings, the TP9SF Elite comes in a hard case, complete with two magazines, replaceable grip strap/palmswell, mag loader, holster, and cleaning rod.


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One Response to “SHOT Show 17 – Canik TP9SF Elite”

  1. Stephen says:

    These have one of the best “Stock” feeling triggers I have ever felt from a striker fired pistol, there is no comparison to a Glock, they’re flat outright nicer by a long shot.