SIG SAUER - Never Settle

SHOT Show 17 – Daniel Defense DDM4V7S

Although there was plenty to check out in Daniel Defense’s rather large booth, the DDM4V7S caught the eye of more than one member of the gun press.

This 5.56 carbine weighs 5.8 lbs and sports a 11.5″ Cold Hammer Forged barrel with a Government profile and carbine length gas system.  It’s topped off with a DD Flash Suppressor.

Note the Daniel Defense furniture which includes Collapsible Buttstock, Pistol Grip and Vertical Fore Grip as well as 32 round magazine.

I’ve long been a fan of DD’s Rock and Lock Fixed Front and Rear sights. They are solid and easy to install making them great back up sights. Based on the A1-style, they are simple to adjust and are always there when you need them.

This close up shows you how the MFR XS 10″ rail attaches.

Daniel Defense firearms and accessories are available for unit and agency purchase through ADS.


6 Responses to “SHOT Show 17 – Daniel Defense DDM4V7S”

  1. Bradksf308 says:

    Yes very nice. I wonder if the will sell the upper alone?

  2. Mike Nomad says:

    Yeah, a big +1 on their irons. I went on a BUIS… odyssey, and wound up with the DD. Solid build, absolutely the best set up WRT fasteners, sleeves, etc. Keep meaning to try out Blitzkreig’s chevron front post…

  3. PTMcCain says:

    I love everything about the recent DD releases, but …. please … DD stop using that ridiculous furniture. It looks totally amateur hour. I know you are trying to increase revenue with your materials, but just give up. Stick with Magpul stocks if you can’t bring yourself to using a competitors products (BCM).

    • lcpl1066 says:

      I think their pistol grip is the best in the game.

    • Adun says:

      I am surprised you mention this instead of the government profile barrels.

    • HSR47 says:


      I hate that kind of rubber nonsense in furniture: It always ends up feeling gummy and absolutely disgusting.

      Magpul makes a wide selection of great furniture. BCM makes some passable furniture too.

      Either stick with furniture that doesn’t suck, or only sell the guns in “OEM” style configs without stocks/grips, so that people can buy what they actually want.