SKD Tactical has partnered with FirstSpear to create the STT.1 Plate Carrier, an inexpensive carrier featuring both 6/12 and Tubes technology, optimized for use with SDK’s 10×12 armor plates. SKD’s rather spirited release/product description can be read below:
Combine the technological advances of First Spear and the marketing gonads of SKD in a dirty, backseat tryst, and the only thing that could gestate is a ground-breakingly evil product like the First Spear STT (Six-Twelve-Tubes) Plate Carrier.
Add to that the ultra high performance-to-cost-ratio of the SKD Armor Level IV Plates and a re-design of the STT to fit these plates like a custom Italian suit, and voila… TACTICAL ORGASM, otherwise known as the “STT.1”.
We’ve also packaged the STT.1 with 2 SKD Armor 10×12 Level IV plates for an incredible deal at $499! Click HERE for the complete package!
Tags: FirstSpear, SKD Tactical
Looks like a match made in heaven.