
The National Rifle Association Disinvites US Concealed Carry Association from Annual Meeting and Exhibits

USCCA Will Continue to Support NRA’s Mission

West Bend, WI – The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) today announced that the National Rifle Association (NRA) has disinvited the organization from its 2017 Annual Meetings & Exhibits and the 2018 Great American Outdoor Show because of “concerns regarding its programs.”

The move shocked the leadership of the USCCA because they were given less than two weeks notice that they had been banned from the annual show, even though they had attended for the past several years. This decision also came as a surprise because over the past two months, the leadership from the NRA and the USCCA met twice to discuss the shared goal of the two organizations in support of the Second Amendment.

In a note sent to millions of USCCA supporters, Founder and President Tim Schmidt said that even though the NRA might be fearing the competition, USCCA will still support the NRA’s efforts to protect the Second Amendment.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little perplexed myself. The truth is, I don’t really know the motive behind the NRA’s move. I mean, the USCCA has ALWAYS had a great relationship with the NRA. And the way I see it, we’re all in this together,” Schmidt said.

“If I had to guess, I’d say that perhaps this is a strategic business maneuver,” added Schmidt. “I mean, the concealed carry market has really exploded over the last decade — just look at how long the USCCA has been around! Maybe the NRA recognizes us as the frontrunner in providing the absolute best education, training and self-defense insurance in the industry. And perhaps they’re starting to see us less as a partner and more as a competitor.”

“As much as it sort of stings that we got ‘booted’ from the NRA Show, I believe that this sort of competition is a good, healthy and even exciting thing — especially from a goliath like the NRA.”

“Whether or not the NRA supports us, we will continue to support them,” Schmidt said. “We will continue to believe in their mission. We will continue to respect the historical significance of what they have done to preserve and protect our God-given rights. And we will always support their legislative and lobbying efforts. I personally will continue to donate to the NRA as a proud Lifetime Member.”

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25 Responses to “The National Rifle Association Disinvites US Concealed Carry Association from Annual Meeting and Exhibits”

  1. Chuck says:

    This is very concerning to me. I have shifted from donating to the NRA to donating to Gun Owners of America. The NRA was calling me every day asking for more money and always trying to sell something. It’s become a big business instead of an organization concerned with protecting the rights of citizens.

    The NRA has every right to do the aforementioned, but they’ve built their image around being a lobbyist organization. Not a scam to trick members into larger and larger donations.

    • Stefan S. says:

      You pick your battles. Full disclosure here. I’m a Patron Level Lifer of the NRA. I agree the calling and mailings for money is an annoyance. Yes, they have become a business and a lobbying “firm”. But honestly, no other gun-rights organization has the clout and power as the NRA. Leftists would have disarmed us a long time ago, if there was no NRA.

      • DAN III says:


        “If there was no NRA”.

        i’m an NRA lifer. Would have been better off enlisting with GoA. Myself, I tire of the constant bombardment to buy NRA’s brand of Ripple wine. Their incessant assault to buy insurance and their political contributions to sworn enemies of Freedom with their contributions to scum like Harry Reid.

        How many mailings from NRA do you receive yearly with postcards, pre-addressed, to your fedgov legislators, imploring them to support pro-gun bills or oppose anti-2A attacks like GoA sends out ?

        Here….I’ll answer for you….NONE ! ! !

    • Che Guevara's Open Chest Wound says:

      Chuck, I also share your concerns. I’ve been a member of the NRA for my whole adult life, and I used to give them additional donations as often as I could. But I live in downstate Illinois; the NRA has done next to nothing to push forth 2nd amendment rights for Illinois gun owners. It was the 2nd Amendment Foundation and the Illinois State Rifle Association (no relation to the NRA) that fought Chicago in McDonald v. Chicago & pushed for state laws for concealed carry.

      I respect the NRA and will continue to be a member. But with limited extra cash, I’d rather send it to organizations that are actively working on my behalf.

  2. Chris says:

    Scam is a good term to apply to the USCCA

    • Mike says:

      USCCA certainly seems to think they have are better than the NRA. I have to agree with Chris.

    • CWG says:

      Right? Who on earth would want insurance for legal costs and a network of pro-2a self defense attorneys to protect you from civil suits.

      Not me, I’m a fed who drives a lambo with a trunk full of money and ccw a dillion 134.

    • charlie says:

      I keep hearing this, what’s the basis to the claims? just curious since I haven’t heard of USCCA until this news broke.

      • Greg says:

        I’m not sure this is related to the scam claim, but I’ve been on their emailing list for a while, and they send out a lot emails (at least 2 a day) that read like readers digest sweepstakes mass mailings of old (“You may have already won!”) .

        To paraphrase: “Activate your membership, for a chance to win this pistol! Well actually, we don’t send out pistols, we send you how much the pistol is worth so you can buy your own!”

        Activating your membership is a matter of buying into a monthly gun owner themed insurance plan, of various tiers and prices.

  3. PTMcCain says:

    Cue all the rabid anti-NRA trolls…. 3, 2, 1.

    If you do not support the NRA, you are a clueless dolt. Seriously.

    The USCCA is just a wanna-be organization, not worth anyone’s time or interest.

    • DAN III says:

      McCain (an appropriate monicker for you),

      Perhaps you can provide us a review on NRA’s brand of Thunderbird or Ripple wine they’re always hawking ?

  4. PTMcCain says:

    Oh, and for the record, I’m a Life Member (Benefactor) of the NRA, Life Member of the Second Amendment Foundation, and Life Member of Gun Owners of America.

    I’m not interested in hearing from people who are unwilling to put their money where their [big] mouth is.

  5. Frank says:

    Life-Member in NRA myself, but I honestly know nothing about USCCA. I do know that when politicians hear that the NRA is campaigning against them—they start to shake. That means something in America. I’m all for different/multiple organizations, but the NRA has immense clout. I do hate their PR mailings and online nagging with a passion.

    • Leon Vickers says:

      I won’t stop supporting the NRA, BUT GOA is excellent and has made huge strides twords gun rights. I only ask fans if the 2nd Ammendment to strongly consider supporting GOA also.

      LGBT Tactical.

  6. Marcus says:

    I know nothing about the USCCA. But I’ve been an NRA member since God was a baby.

    What I will tell you is the NRA came into New York after the Un-SAFE Act was passed, did a lot of cheerleading , collected a lot of money and then left. Well except for the ridiculous lawsuit making all the wrong arguments they co sponsored with the NYSRPA- which they ran from like scared children when the odds didn’t look good.

    Yeah but they’re with us

    *Makes OK sign with hand*

    Now they still do some good work. But I can tell you there are a growing number of people getting out this way getting sick of their divide and conquer, fund raise at all costs hi jinx.

    • Cv76 says:

      I second that. Look at Nevada. The crazy lefties have taken over and continue assaulting the 2A and the NRA is AWOL. PERIOD.

      • sobiloff says:

        Actually not true about the NRA being AWOL in Nevada. They led the largest get out the vote effort against Question 1 with offices in both Reno and Vegas, where volunteers would meet several evenings every week to make phone calls, and then walk neighborhoods on the weekends. All the money they raised to fight Q1 stayed in Nevada. They also coordinated closely with NVFAC, the state affiliate.

  7. Will Rodriguez says:

    Seems most folks are missing the point here getting hung up on the NRA raising funds.

    USCCA provides legal insurance in the event you have to defend yourself and the legal system comes after you. The NRA offers a similar product that’s less extensive and much more expensive. (Most likely the cause of the disinvite.)

    Personally I rely on US Law Shield which provides unlimited legal representation (no attorney fees) to its members. Full disclosure, USLS hired me when they learned I use their legal materials to supplement my personal protection/EDC courses.

    Folks, if you don’t have a plan for legal representation after you defend yourself you’re only half prepared to defend yourself. You are at risk of ruining your finances for life and/or losing your liberty. Unless you are a criminal defense attorney get something.

    • DAN III says:


      The problem is finding a GOOD vendor of self-defense insurance.

      • Will Rodriguez says:

        Is it?

        There’s almost a half dozen good vendors. All are better than the NRA’s product.

        It seems THAT’s the issue. The NRA doesn’t want a competitor’s product at the event even if it’s better for the American gun carrying citizen.

  8. Joe says:

    U.S. Law Shield all the way. The “legal insirance” USCAA offers is a joke compared to what USLS offers in the way of unlimited legal fee coverage.

    • Will Rodriguez says:

      That’s what I discovered when I compared the major programs out there.

  9. James Smith says:

    It is the NRA’s show and they can invite whoever they want. The NRA has invited them in the past and very well knew what their business was. To wait until two weeks out to notify them that they couldn’t attend was just dirty pool. The NRA knew the USCAA would have cost that they couldn’t recoup.
    I have been an NRA member in the past ( Current NFAFA member ) but I limit my donations to them now and things like this do not encourage me donate more.

    • F. Olvera says:

      Couldn’t have said it better myself.

      NRA Lifemember in California. The NRA was late to our show for gunmeggedon but the Cali Rifle and Pistol Asscociation was in the forefront and are now getting most of my gun funds.

  10. Steve Challis says:

    I suspect the reason was competition with the launch of their carryguard program,.USCCA have a competetive one.I attended the Atlanta convention and found they were guarded and evasive when i asked about costs of carryguard.
    Eventually i did discover it has 3 levels of insurace membership.with monthly fees. And a training couse of 3days at one of 5 locations.costs were not too apparant.With my wife , i run a shooting school in Ky and am an endowment member of the NRA.We recommend both the USCCA and Legal Action Defense network insurance programs. Until i can get more info we will not recomend Carryguard. We will however inform our students of the existence of the program. The NRA needs to explain its actions to. Its members,to avoid alienating its base.