SIG MMG 338 Program Series

CSOR Wears Aku Pilgrims

I like Aku Pilgrim boots and apparently so does the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR). In this DND photo of their recent Change of Command parade at Garrison Petawawa, we see new commander Lt-Col Andrew Vivian, outgoing commander Lt-Col Steven Hunter, and officiating officer Maj Gen Mike Rouleau, commander of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM).

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2 Responses to “CSOR Wears Aku Pilgrims”

  1. Dellis says:

    I concur! Really great footwear, own 2 pair and truthfully some of the best for me in term of heel and ankle support. Foot just feels locked in place. Also so far after almost 2 years of wear off and on, at work, daily outings and hikes they are holding up very well.

  2. Joe says:

    Yep! Great boots!