Wilcox BOSS Xe

NSWC Crane Announces Advanced Naval Technology Exercise – 2018 Urban 5th Generation Marine Exploration and Experimentation Exercise

The Deputy Commandant for Combat Development & Integration (CD&I) and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (DASN(RDT&E)) are soliciting mature prototypes from industry, academia, and government research and development (R&D) organizations to participate in the Urban 5th Generation Marine Exploration and Experimentation 2018 (U5G 18) exercise. 

They invite industry, academia, and Government R&D organizations to demonstrate innovative operational concepts, non-developmental technologies, and/or engineering innovations that provide cost-effective alternatives that enhance the ability to gain advantage and win in urban combat.

In particular, they are concentrating on:

Urban Situational Awareness
Fires and Effects
Command and Control

The U5G 18 exercise will be a progressive series of exercises conducted between March 2018 and February 2019. The first exercise will be held March 15-25, 2018 at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, San Diego, California. The exercise provides Warfighters the opportunity to assess the operational utility of emerging technologies and engineering innovations that improve the Marines survivability, lethality and connectivity in complex urban environments. The objective of the exercise is to provide technology enhancements that support the Marine Rifle Company and its subordinate elements. The focus is therefore enabling the small percentage of Marines who engage in close combat. Based on the results of the technical and operational assessments from the March exercise, participants may be invited to participate in future U5G exercises which will progress through more complex scenarios and environments.

The Advanced Naval Technology Exercises (ANTX) are a series of exercises led by the NR&DE where industry, academia, and Government R&D organizations are invited to demonstrate emerging technologies and engineering innovations in operationally relevant environments and scenarios. Each ANTX exercise, or series of exercise(s), is focused on mission essential tasks. This notice is for the U5G 18 exercises which will be conducted between March 2018 and February 2019. This notice will be updated with information related to future U5G 18 exercises.

The U5G 18 exercises are guided by a core team of operational, acquisition, and technical subject matter experts from: Marine Corps CD&I, Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL), and the Naval Research and Development Establishment (NR&DE). Technical and operational assessments will be incorporated into a final report that informs capability development, experimentation, studies, wargaming, proto-type development, rapid capability development, and future Marine Corps acquisition decisions.

For full details, visit www.fbo.gov.

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