
AUSA – Prototype Pinks and Greens

At AUSA PEO Soldier is demonstrating a prototype World War Two Pinks and Greens-style service dress uniform.

SGT Schacher and SFC Johnson wear prototypes of male and female versions of the uniform. This is only a prototype, intended to solicit feedback and there is currently no requirement for a new Service uniform. However, if this concept is adopted by the Army, the final uniforms will be different.

Here, SFC Johnson shows us the Class B Shirt. I’m very impressed by the work the uniform’s designers have done to research historical uniform items and adapt the styles to reflect modern tastes and materials.

What do you think?

292 Responses to “AUSA – Prototype Pinks and Greens”

  1. George Arzente says:

    Great idea. The “Green” class A uniform looked great. I do not like the ASU as the replacement class A uniform. Pinks and greens brings back some tradition and class to the class A uniform.

  2. Matt c says:

    Where is the chocolate colored dress shirt? Darker tones hide stains, are traditional, and look more militaristic, not a fan of the tan.

  3. Hubb says:

    Wait till you guys retire and you are stuck with a bunch of uniforms you spent hundreds of dollars on.

  4. Scott says:

    The only modifications I would like to see with these would be to keep black shoes and ditch unit patches. As often as some have to PCS and get completely different shaped patches, they may have to purchase a new jacket every time to be completely free of stitch marks.
    Everyone has to remember we’ll come out of pocket for all if these items to include our Junior Soldiers.


  5. Mike says:

    I’m glad to see the return of a sensible service uniform that can restore the blues to their appropriate status as a dress uniform. The Class Bs of this look amazing and infinitely better than what we currently wear.

    1) Drop the nameplate at the very least and even better drop the DUI and unit awards as well. Hell, only wear top three on the left side.

    2) Bring the belted jacket back too. It looks a hell of a lot better and if you are worried a belted jacket then you should probably do more PT.

  6. Josh says:

    It’s just another OER bullet for some Officer that forces Soldiers to spend money on things that they don’t need. This will be the 6th uniform change (through all uniforms) that I have had, if this were to go through. The last dress uniform was just phased out 2 years ago, do we really need a new one? Personally, I don’t particularly like this uniform at all.

  7. Hector Galindez says:

    Where are the leadership stripes for the pants?

  8. GI says:

    The new uniform jacket needs a belt on it like Soldiers had in WW2, and Marines have on their class B today.

  9. LTC (Ret) Dennis says:

    Absolutley love this uniform. My position all along (32+ years of AD service) is that this uniform is the uniform of the Greatest Generation that WON WWII. Most countries still recognize this as does the US public. This would do so much for morale and for civilian support of the Army. When you see a young soldier in the airport in sloppy ACU’s (whatever) it is a slap in the face to all that have served – they just look like slobs.

    This uniform will do wonders to morale and civilian support. Topped with the Garrison Cap this is a sharp uniform – get away from the Dress Blues as a service uniform. Bring back the heritage and history of the US Army. Also bring back a field uniform that allows officers to wear their Branch Insignia..

    • J Fitzgerald, USA Vet says:

      I am so glad to see this. As an illustrator/graphic designer within the Army and Civil Service during my career, I saw a wide variety of “military dress” growing pains. How about a bright pea green dress in Fort Sam Houston in the mid 70’s -what?
      Putting this uniform back in place would be a nod to the designers of the 30’s and 40’s that got it right in the first place. The WWII version of this was perfect in design. This new one exudes a message of professionalism and pride in honor of the very best of our very HUMAN military history – truly a vitamin pill for morale. I would have loved to have worn it when I served and would have truly felt I was in that same Army as my Dad. -And if you were lucky enough to have him still alive, he’d smile broadly.
      Add the brown leather belt, brown shoes (Sorry all, black just doesn’t really work with this outstanding color palette).
      Please DO give the women real pockets and plenty, just like the men. It also has to have that fantastic set-in waste band in the back, yes? Nothing less would do.
      In a nation full of sweat pants and t-shirts -let’s show some retro-design, so iconic to our military history. Now that’s class.
      Get it right, then, for God’s sake, leave the thing alone. Replacing uniforms every few years is expensive and wasteful. Plus- who would want to see this one go away, again…

  10. ROSS says:

    Looks very good. The historical background gives it legitimacy and the colors make it more suited for daily wear in an office setting enviroment. I would just change the tie to match the color of the pants, too many colors counteract the “uniform” appereance, same thing with the stripes, make them green with the color of the pants as background. Lastly make the color of the belt to match the color of the shoes end visor on the cap.

  11. JB says:

    Absolutely love this new/old uniform. Believe it gives respect to history while still looking very sharp.

  12. SimpleCustomer says:

    I like the look. Agree with others on having pockets for all. I understand trying to keep things simple and to standard but make them functional as well.
    Also…get that female cap similar to the males. The female “C” cap needs to stay away, along with the black beret. Army member accounts are going to be crying…again!

  13. Eric says:

    Well, another uniform change to place a bullet on someone’s OER or NCOER. I can understand some changes were made to streamline the uniform or save Soldiers money…so to speak; however, this is just the opposite. It doesn’t streamline the uniform… it doesn’t save Soldiers or the government money. Let’s just throw another few million at a private company to make something that isn’t broke worse. So with these pinks and greens, will we go back to having three different uniforms? For those not old enough to remember maintaining the Army Greens, Dress Blues and Mess Dress. Notice, the Marine Corps and Navy haven’t really changed their uniform in Decades. Something has to be said for simplicity….i.e. The Origional plan of the ASU. As a 22 years in the Army and still serving, I have to be skeptical and ask our leaders to stop trying to bring in the latest fad just to appease the few. Go Army!

  14. jjj0309 says:

    I.. I… actually rike it.

  15. Anthony says:

    Love them. Again, why did the Army move away from these?

  16. Howard Sobel says:

    Slacks look like crap. Almost like jeans. Everything else from what I see looks ok.

  17. Kelley Wright says:

    They were an officer’s uniform back in the day. Why would they have enlisted and NCO’s wear that?

  18. John says:

    There needs to be a torso belt.

  19. GAry Thomas Pyles says:

    Its nice for the winter uniform, the dress blue uniform need to stay for ceremony and other occasions. The summer uniforms should be the Vintage Light kakai, it was great in the 60’s and I love the stripes on the NCO’s Sleeve show pride/authority/command.

  20. SGT Duffy says:

    I love them. I love the fact that they are an older uniform coming back. It makes tradition really drive home. I would proudly wear this uniform

  21. MAJ Heather Cofer says:

    I like the retro style and colors but I don’t like how short the woman’s jacket is. It should be about an inch or so longer to be more uniform with the men’s jacket. And, I hope there will be a skirt option too. I would rather wear a skirt as part of a dress uniform.

  22. Chris says:

    These look alright, but they don’t look to have the same fit as the old pi la and greens.

    The dress blues look good, but require a great deal of work to be made to look great (ask any Old guard soldier or Tomb Guard).

    Why all the uniform changes in the past 12 years? Utility and dress uniforms and repeatedly changed. Why? Find something and stick to it, and improve THAT. Clothing allowances allow for necessary maintenance and occasional replacement of uniforms and accessories over time, and aren’t meant for buying entire sets of new uniforms every year. If this releases now, you’ll have enlisted soldiers paying out more than their clothing allowance to get to 4 sets of PCUs, AND a complete and fitted set of pinks and greens.

    How about the Army doors the bill for the change from now on?
    How about you ask the right troops for specific uniform advice? (Ask combat troops for designs for utility informs, NOT REMFs. Ask the Old Guard for designs for dress uniforms, NOT DOG. Ask Officers for SILENCE and to stop with the good-idea fairy.

    That’s should help.

  23. William Ramos says:

    Hasn’t the Army spent too much on uniforms already?? This is what happens when senior leadership has too much idle time. I see an ACU mistake all over again. Our uniforms are fine as is, maybe just a color change would be fine. We should be more focused on training. Looking pretty won’t win a war.

  24. BDaniel says:

    Why. We just phased out the old green service uniform and only have the dress blue. Leave well enough alone stay with one. Soldiers are tired of changing uniform styles and spending money to up keep an ever changing uniform requirement.

  25. Tony T says:

    I think it would be great… but if we go to them… we must keep them a minimum of 25 years. All the uniform changing every 4 years is horrible.

  26. Jake says:

    These are incredible. The Army will regain a lot of the public image it has lost to the Marines with these. Image isn’t everything, but it certainly accounts for a lot, and having soldiers that look this good will give soldiers a sense of pride. The current uniform makes soldiers look like flight attendants. No offense to flight attendants, but it’s not the right image for an Army uniform. These on the other hand look every bit as sharp as Dress Blues.

  27. Dan Patterson says:

    I think this concept is very sharp and clean! It would be a great choice for the Army to go back to this look. Don’t forget to include that cover when you do it!

  28. Bill Wade says:

    If the plan is to make this a daily garrison uniform, and keep the ACUs for formal occasions, I like it a lot. Professionalize the daily uniform. Multi-cams saved for training and deployment. I like it a lot. Of course, I am retired, so I don’t have to buy it, or wear it, but I wished we had worn a daily garrison uniform when I was in. Even the Class-B uniform looked better than the BDUs/ACUs in garrison.

  29. William Meinze says:

    For one, why are they changing them (again)? What is wrong with the ASU?

    Thank god they got rid of the ACU (although after I retired). Guess everyone had to buy new PTs, new fatigues so why not a new dress uniform!? Sounds familiar.

    But if they really want to do it, why not go for something either more “futuristic” or modern, or if you want tradition then go all out. Go back to the blue and gold of the rev war uniform, or the dress blues of the 1812 army. A frock coat with a stand up collar! On top of that, make them 100% wool! Seriously, stop with the BS. Decide on going modern or traditional and stick to it. Too many people wanting to have a legacy is killing our military and driving out good troops.

  30. Mike Galvin says:

    Those are great uniforms, best ones I seen in 30yrs.
    Makes me want to get back in, if they would let me!!!
    Nice Job

  31. Ted Cimral says:

    Why now? Can’t we stick with one uniform, like the Marines?

  32. Scott Shoop says:


  33. Jon Kindred says:

    Bring back pinks and greens and brown shoes, by all means! And, while we are at it, abolish the Air Force and bring back the Army Air Corps…..

  34. It is my understanding that the nickname “Pinks” originally referred to the trousers worn earlier than WWII era that were tailored in a riding breeches design. though it is true that the share of tan or taupe may catch a pink caste in certain lighting, the name originates in England. The first tailor to have created a “ballooned” leg for fox hunting riders was named Pink and thus that style of pant became known as “Pinks” regardless of the color of material. Later versions of the story have the Pinks’ Tailor shop creating uniforms for the military, but that seems like a stretch as most, if not all, uniform providers through the government would have been American suppliers. I have found no documentation to support my offerings here but a collection of verbal statements. Consider my contribution to be an Urban Myth that may be factual.

  35. JBC1179 says:

    Looks great, happy to see rank on the sleeve.

  36. Ssgkay says:

    Looks amazing but the army just never gets the picture that an external belt around the waist looks great. The old pink and greens had it and looked really good, marines do it and it looks amazing, Old guard wears them and makes the horrible Blues look better. Just give us these so we have army colors again. My first experience ever in the blue asu sums it up: i had just finished osut and was the one of the first groups to wear the blue not green and we were at the infantry museum when a korean war vet asked if we were Navy personnel visiting. So basically yeah give us our colors back and add that belt so the blouse doesnt look like a loose trash bag hanging on our shoulders. Of course fat people will look like trash but they shouldnt be in anyway so win win. Also, bring that ike jacket back

  37. Eloi says:

    I love this and i missed seeing the old ones they looked so nice

  38. MAJ Maloy says:

    I love them. Willing to pay for another uniform. Can we get an Ike Jacket, too?

  39. SFC (RET) Bradley says:

    This would be great. Simple, classic looking and functional. A throwback, but towards something that works.
    Keep it simple. So much money has been spent on uniforms and frequent changes, that could be spent better, elsewhere. That goes for the Taxpayer as well as the soldier.

  40. Eli says:

    I like it. I like the ASUs somewhat, but these seem like good work wear. Maybe make the Blues ceremonial only? These for work and payday activities?

  41. YankeeZulu says:

    So they’re getting rid of that stupid black beret and going back to garrison caps?

    I think not.

  42. The ghost of Shinseki past says:

    Now these would look great with a tan beret!

  43. Russ says:

    Please don’t change the uniform again. The army has more important things to worry about like training troops. It’s hard to do that when everyone is standing in line at clothing and sales just to be told they are sold out 2 hours later. SMH.

  44. CPT Tammy Newman says:

    I really don’t care about what uniform we have, I will wear what I am told to wear. I do care that in the 17 years I have been in I have purchased three different PTs, three different combat uniforms, and two different dress uniforms, and now looking at a third. I know officers don’t get clothing allowance for a reason, but come on, these are not cheap.

  45. Phil Johnson says:

    Never should have been changed. Make the Ladies the same as the men, just adjust for shape.

  46. TomG says:

    Thought in WWII they were Officer’s Pinks.

  47. CW5 Paul says:

    Love it! Let’s get this done ASAP. I am an exchange officer in the UK and I look overdressed in my ASU alongside my UK counterparts.

  48. Leigh says:

    Get rid of the pants for us women and I’m in.
    Also, bring back the garrison cap and kill the beret forever.

  49. Thomas says:

    The rank and file of the US Army by a wide margin detests the current Class A uniform. Don’t believe me – then have the DCS for Perraonnel do a service wide survey if you have the guts. BRING BACK THE PINK AND GREENS now! By doing this the Army will have initiated actions to resolve a significant uniform/morale issue. Bottom Line : you should not dislike the uniform you wear.

  50. CW4 R. Arnold says:

    Good to go love it