RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Quantico Tactical Thursday – Vortex RECCE PRO HD Monocular

Vortex RECCE PRO HD Monocular is an Impressive Piece of Kit

The Vortex Recce Pro HD monocular is an impressive piece of kit for military snipers or scout teams. Weighing only 11 oz, it brings exceptionally clear 8x magnification and a mil ranging reticle in a tiny 6 inch by two inch package. It also features a rapid ranging reticle showing a series of human silhouettes, sized to match to the form of an average adult male at distances of 200-600 meters. Fielded by several SOCOM organizations, operators have said that the Recce Pro provides the user a simple, low profile solution at a much lower cost than laser rangefinders. It offers better clarity and a wider field of view while being extremely rugged and waterproof. Made in Japan, it is Trade Act Compliant and can be purchased via government sales.

Technical Specs:


For a quote or more information about Quantico Tactical or Vortex’s line-up of optics, please e-mail GovtOps@QuanticoTactical.com, call 910.944.5800 or visit www.QuanticoTactical.com.

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6 Responses to “Quantico Tactical Thursday – Vortex RECCE PRO HD Monocular”

  1. Torch says:

    It is also awesome for on the ground leaders in places like Astan that like to get a better look without having to haul around huge pair of binos. Done many a call for fire and recce with this piece of kit.

  2. Vic Toree says:

    I’ve got the Vortex Solo RT – the cheap (I’m guessing made in China but don’t remember for sure) version and love the thing. I picked it up for a good deal just to test the concept and got sold on having a good monocular on hand. I’m not as handy with the ranging reticle as I’d like but just being able to quickly get some magnification with minimal bulk is in and of itself very nice.

    I’ll probably upgrade to a RECCE or Recon one of these days, handy little gadget to have around.

  3. jkifer says:

    Vortex makes good stuff. I have their AR red dot, the smaller one powered by a AAA.. its amazing.

  4. Benb says:

    Looks like a great reticle design!

  5. Lasse says:

    I have the Solo RT and it’s fantastic. I see the use for the lens covers, but so far the lenses themselves seem to handle whatever I’ve put mine through. We are issued some fantastic binos but for the most part the Solo handles the same tasks at less than half the size.

  6. D says:

    I use my solo r/t on the pistol range for checking hits on paper. For ranging, buy a laser rangefinder.