SureFire XC3

MATBOCK Monday || LIFT Ladder

LIFT Ladder is part of a multi-product system, and over the next few weeks, we will look at all of the various products that are found in this revolutionary system. The Combat Carbon Poles are the backbone of the entire system, which allows operators to tailor the kit for different missions in ever-changing battlefields.


The LIFT Ladder was built so operators could scale and bridge obstacles with ease at only 4.975lbs. It comes with a 400lbs load capacity and is built from American made Carbon Fiber. This short video was taken at the MATBOCK HQ, to show the quick assembly of this ladder and how compact the ladder rungs are when the poles are not attached.

Technical Specifications:
Material – Carbon Fiber / Spectra Cord
Total Weight: 4.975 Pounds
Weight without poles: 2.375 Pounds
Dimensions folded up (without poles): 3in x 3in x 12in


10 Responses to “MATBOCK Monday || LIFT Ladder”

  1. Joe says:

    While undoubtedly very cool and high tech, $1,300 is a very substantial premium to save 15 pounds over a $70, 20 LBS aluminum telescoping ladder from Amazon.

    Only the most well funded and an long range rucking units will ever consider this.

    Hate to be the “overpriced” troll non-stop, but this kinda justifies those $600 hammer jokes. Nobody likes to listen to the finance and contracting guys, but they exist for a reason and I can only surmise that this blog is mainly geared to the units that either don’t have one, or never listen to him.

    • SSD says:

      $1300 isn’t that much, if this is something you actually need. If you’re painting connexes, then yeah, go for that $70 ladder.

      • joe says:

        And that’s the rub, do they actually NEED it, or do they WANT it cuz they have deep pockets geardo lust for the newest hottest thing?

        How did they get along and get things done before James Bond gadget X was invented? Can they keep on doing it that way? Those are questions that are probably not asked.

        • SSD says:

          There is a long list of unfunded requirements at any unit. Generally, those that complain that a unit doesn’t need something, isn’t in that unit, and doesn’t actually know what that unit does.

          I still run across desirements, but with the tight budget of the past few years, those UFR lists are pretty focused on actual requirements.

        • Vic Toree says:

          RE: “How did they get along and get things done before James Bond gadget X was invented?”

          They probably used the Ferno jump ladder (or similar) which can cost twice as much or the Armadillo type systems which aren’t compact and cost as much or more depending on height.

          Expensive ladders aren’t a new thing (segmented truss ladders in the $10-20K range exist). MATBOCK isn’t making up a new market segment, there’s a niche here and they have what appears to be a pretty solid offering at, believe or not, a very competitive price.

          Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with any of these companies.

    • AGL Bob says:

      I’d say the price isn’t out of line considering what other hi-angle/rescue equipment costs. Did you price a carbon fiber bike frame lately? And I wouldn’t recommend using a $70 ladder for bridging.

  2. JM says:

    Combat Carbon Poles are sold separately, at $800.
    So it’s a $2k system, but the poles are also designed to interface with Matbicks various stretcher materials.

  3. MATBOCK_CEO says:

    Again this is one part of a multi-product system. When you compare apples to apples, ladder, rigid-litter, SSE bag, extension pole, and soft litter our LIFT System will save units on average about $300 and about 60lbs of weight.

    • Darkhorse says:

      Joe is extremely bothered you aren’t selling this great gear for say, $39.95 on Amazon. And, he’d much rather commandos use local wood and nails to build ladders like in 2003 because it’s much more affordable for him. Anyway you guys can offer a shitty wooden nail and ladder kit for Joe? Everyone would buy it because it’s something Joe can afford and he feels is more reasonable.

  4. Eddie H says:

    We’ve had these for about a year. Using the ladder attachment and the rigid stretcher attachment

    Easy to see where the money has gone. The ability to have a decent climbing ladder, bridging ladder and rigid stretcher in a system that is very lightweight and packs down small cannot be understated.

    We used to have 3 blokes carrying ladders and stretchers. We now have one bloke carrying the same. And guess what – the one bloke with all the kit is carrying less weight than one of the three previous guys.

    Phenomenal gear