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TYR Tactical Tuesday – Patented Female Shaped Body Armor

TYR Tactical® began designing the Patented Female Shaped body armor system in 2014 in direct response to the US Army’s Soldier Protection System solicitation.


Knowing that existing male or unisex systems do not allow female users to properly perform basic tasks and still maintain comfort, TYR Tactical® conducted Biomechanical and Female Athletic Performance Studies.  TYR Tactical’s findings provided the framework for its ergonomically shaped ballistics and carriers that conform specifically to the female anatomy.  The shape and structure of its Female Body Armor System allows females to perform their duties comfortably and enhance their capabilities without jeopardizing their protection.


US Patent No. 9,970,736, Patent Pending in Australia, Europe and Canada

Two lateral darts on the tactical outer carrier contour around the female’s natural shape while still providing a full range of motion, support and eliminates excess compression on the breast tissue.

Learn More:


3 Responses to “TYR Tactical Tuesday – Patented Female Shaped Body Armor”

  1. Redbeard says:

    So, is it patented?

  2. chris says:

    Yes. US Patent No. 9,970,736

  3. Joe_momma says:

    Hmmmm, work for chunky dudes?