AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

FirstSpear Friday Focus – Maritime Buoyancy Compensator Technology

FirstSpear is well known for high quality body armor systems and performance technical apparel. What you may not know is they also develop specialized gear for some of the most highly trained amphibious military and law enforcement professionals all over the world. The AAC Frog Kit, for example was developed for the combat diver and specifically designed to integrate with a rebreather system. Today we are looking at just one of the unique features that makes FirstSpear Maritime equipment a top choice by the professional.

The FirstSpear Buoyancy Compensator Kit is designed to be installed inside the plate bag behind the front and back plate pockets. Orally inflated at the operators discretion, you can achieve a maximum of 5lbs (2kg/22N) of lift on each front and back insert in a size Medium – XL to help offset a combat load on the surface in sea water.

Buoyancy Compensators Kits are user configured and can be set up for not only right or left handed users but also single and dual inflate options which give the Operator even more control on how they can trim their system while in the water.

This video shows how to set up your BC kit and the user configurations available. Law Enforcement and Military credentials required for purchase. Contact us for more info.

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