Protact by Haartz

10th International B&T Police Days: 18th & 19th June, 2019

The bianual B&T Police Days, now in its 10th edition, showcases a wide range of modern law-enforcement and military equipment. On display will not only be products manufactured by B&T (firearms, suppressors, etc.) but also the factory representatives of many other well-known brands in the law enforcement and military supply community. Some of these other exhibitors are: Heckler & Koch, Aimpoint, 5.11, Black Hawk, Carinthia, Simunition, RUAG, Vectronix and many others. Visitors will also have the opportunity to test fire the full line of B&T weapons and products of other vendors on site. Technical lectures and practical workshops are also scheduled to bring the law enforcement professional up to date on the latest innovations in the industry. As this event is exclusively for police, military, government and representatives of selected security organizations, pre-registration is required at Admission is free.

10. international journées des autorités : 18. + 19.6.2019

Les journées d‘autorités traditionnelles du B&T comprennent un large spectre d’équipements modernes de la police et du gouvernement. Outre B&T (armes, silencieux, montages) plus de 20 autres exposants (HK, Aimpoint, 5.11, BlackHawk, Simunition, Kahles, 3M, RUAG, First Spear et beaucoup d’autres) seront sur place. Les visiteurs ont la possibilité de tester les armes de B&T et HK sur place. Des présentations techniques et des ateliers pratiques complèteront encore l’offre. Nous aimerions vous inviter cordialement pour cette manifestation. Comme la manifestation est réservée uniquement à la police, à l‘armée, aux autorités et à certains services de sécurité triés sur le volet, nous vous prions de bien vouloir vous inscrire sur L‘entrée est gratuite.



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