SIG SAUER - Never Settle

FirstSpear Friday Focus – Noveske Discreet Rifle Bag

This Friday we are taking a look at a popular low vis rifle bag from FirstSpear originally designed at the request of Noveske Rifleworks.

Utilizing varied colors and more commercial material applciations this backpack offers a very soft look with the design and strength to support and quickly deploy a short barreled rifle or sub gun.

Features an exterior beaver tail style pocket with adjustable straps to secure another bag or loose clothing. The bag also features a hidden pocket as well attachment points on the inside of the bag to secure pockets as well as the included accessories to secure the rifle inside the bag.

Dimensions: 28¼” x 13 ¼” x 5″

Made in the USA with USA Materials

One Response to “FirstSpear Friday Focus – Noveske Discreet Rifle Bag”

  1. jk says:

    so lo-viz that it will be noticed