TYR Tactical

Strategie & Technik – German Navy Awards Boarding Specialist Qualification Badge

According to our friends at the German language blog, “Strategie & Technik” the Seebataillon der Deutschen Marine has awarded the Boarding Specialist (Bordeinsatzsoldat) Qualification Badge for the first time since its creation in 2015. It is meant to designate fully qualified boarding team leaders.

Read the full details here.

3 Responses to “Strategie & Technik – German Navy Awards Boarding Specialist Qualification Badge”

  1. Jeff S says:

    I ran into a few German Marine junior officers at FLETC Charleston a decade ago… They were there for the USCG’s boarding officer school. Pretty good dudes to chat with – they enjoyed the Yuengling at the G-bar. LOL

  2. JPW says:

    Thanks for posting it! Just some additional informations: The badge is worn on the right breast. It is awarded after the sailor has passed the boarding operations course successfully. The badge shows a navy vessel in front of two crossed rifles. The wings underline that many boarding operations are conducted by helicopters.

  3. 76er says:

    The badge is not only for team leaders, every fully qualified boarding soldier earn the Badge.