RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Altama Asks, ”Black or Brown?”

Altama is going to introduce a Woodland camouflage version of their highly successful Maritime Assault shoe.

Do you prefer Black or Brown soles?


52 Responses to “Altama Asks, ”Black or Brown?””

  1. Gabe says:


  2. Luke says:

    I prefer brown for most everything, but for historical reasons black is the obvious choice.

  3. dead says:


  4. Marvin says:

    Consensus on my couch right now, black!

  5. CapnTroy says:


  6. Adam says:

    I prefer the brown personally.

  7. Samuel Suggs says:

    Black with the soldier systems logo like the gray ones I wear to the gym

  8. TXCop says:

    Black for sure! Takes me back to the good days of uniforms the color of plants!

  9. Corbin says:


  10. JohnH says:

    Black is classic and avoids the brown rubber not matching with the brown in the fabric and laces.

  11. SOmmerbiwak says:

    I am the weirdo wanting OD soles for better camo. The brown cap looks fugly. 😉

    For retro-80ies black soles of course. What are they going for?

  12. Chris says:

    Brown all the way, coyote if an option.

  13. Rodney says:


  14. Alpha2 says:


  15. Davy Crockett says:

    Black, and I’m buying a pair.

  16. Archangel says:

    I like brown better than I thought I might, but Black for certain. Stoked for Gods Plaid

  17. Pete says:

    Brown looks great

  18. Gear Guy says:

    Black, definitely black.

  19. P.J. says:

    Black. Brown could be more practical, but black for the classic look.

  20. Joe_K says:

    Brown looks better, Black for nostalgia. Only logical conclusion? Both!!!

  21. Will says:

    Black, but once you go black, you never go back.

  22. SamHill says:

    Borat say brown looka like the doo doo, high five!

  23. Daniel says:

    So they are making skate shoes?

    • SSD says:

      You could wear them skating. After all, guys wear Chucks and Vans on the job.

    • Mike says:

      One of the first rhings I did when these first came out was jump on a longboard and skate around the parking lot at work. I originally wanted them for long hikes for their draining properties but they make great skate shoes for me. 🙂

  24. PTL21 says:


  25. jjj0309 says:

    Both looks good to me. Although I completely agree to Joe_K, Brown looks better and Black for nostalgia. I want to say “Why not both?” but as business perspective that won’t be possible, so, I vote for Brown. I want to see OD sole in action though.

  26. Ton E says:


  27. Mark says:


    These look so rad!

  28. Joe says:

    Brown is more effective.

    But black is the right answer, original aesthetic.

  29. Matt in Oklahoma says:

    I’ll pass altogether. Zero use for them

    • Joe_K says:

      @ Matt in Oklahoma:
      Thanks for your valuable contribution to this comment section! You get a gold star!

      • RichRaider says:

        Thank goodness a person that won’t buy them is a part of this discussion.

  30. Strike-Hold says:

    Brown. Time to update the look.

  31. Adun says:

    Black will sell better, but that is a look which can be found wearing other brands already, so I say brown.

  32. Ray Forest says:

    Is it just the particular cut or are we seeing a brown dominate M81 and a black dominate M81 here? Maybe just random but for sure the brown soles have more brown than black and the black soles have more black than brown.

  33. jeff says:

    Black. Love my military morons edition in OD though.

  34. EODMadBomb says:

    Oh sure, the black kinda takes me back to green jungle boot days, but it’s time to move on.
    If they were solid OD, the black would definitely win out…Hey that’s a good idea! How about an OD version with black soles?

  35. M Dangers says:

    Black for sure. They should also do a brown version with black soles, and a grey version with black soles.

  36. Mike292 says:

    If you ever wore woodland you would know that BLACK is the only way to go.

  37. mike says:


  38. Tank says:

    While I prefer the general aesthetic of the black (because nostalgia), the brown is more practical.
    Ultimately, I will buy them whichever color they decide to put out.

  39. Andrew says:

    Black for classic M81 look. Reserve brown for modern “woodland-like” multicam tropic or arid.

  40. Chris C. says:


  41. Todd S says:


  42. Casey says:


  43. Andy says:

    Brown, that way people who want black can just use a sharpie. it wont work the other way around

  44. Homer guidry says:


  45. OpFor says:


  46. RichRaider says:

    Black is how I like my Ops and my Altama’s!

  47. straps says:
