
US Army Issues Prototype Project Opportunity Notice for Next Generation Squad Weapon – Fire Control

The Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon Program promises to field machine guns and carbines which will shoot further than current models. Now, the Army seeks to improve hit capability with a Next Generation Squad Weapon – Fire Control effort.

Consequently, U.S. Army Contracting Command – New Jersey (ACC-NJ), on behalf of Project Manager Soldier Weapons, recently issued a Prototype Project Opportunity Notice (PPON) for the Next Generation Squad Weapons – Fire Control (NGSW-FC) program. The purpose of this PPON for NGSW-FC is to award up to two prototype Other Transaction Agreements (OTA) under the authority of 10 U.S.C. § 2371b, developing a fire control system under the NGSW-FC program.

NGSW-FC is intended to increase the Soldier’s ability to rapidly engage man sized targets out to 600m or greater while maintaining the ability to conduct Close Quarters Battle. This objective is achieved by leveraging technologies to calculate and display a disturbed reticle to the User.

Prototype SIG SAUER Next Generation Optic

NGSW-FC will integrate Government Ballistic Solver – Small Arms (GBS-SA), which is the Government developed software ballistic kernel that will serve as the system’s ballistic calculator. This will be used to provide an adjusted aiming point (disturbed reticle) that considers range to target, atmospheric conditions, and ballistics of weapon/ammunition.

The system is comprised of a weapon-mounted fire control system including a soft case, remote(s), lens covers, mounting and alignment tools, lens cleaning kit, User manual/instructions, zeroing chart(s), and two sets of batteries.

Results of the Small Arms Ammunition Configuration (SAAC) Study provide validation that development of advanced fire control systems to reduce system errors is a major factor in increasing the overall system lethality. Project Manager Soldier Weapons (PM SW) has conducted various industry days, trade studies, and technology developmental efforts to support the next generation of fire control systems for small arms weapons systems. In 2018 the Army prioritized the Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) programs. PM SW determined it would be in the Government’s best interest to hold a full and open competition to support rapid prototyping of the NGSW Fire Control (NGSW-FC). The NGSW-FC will be integrated with both the Next Generation Squad Weapon – Rifle (NGSW-R) and Next Generation Squad Weapon – Automatic Rifle (NGSW-AR) within the Close Combat Force. This PPON seeks to explore fire control system level integration, test and evaluation.

The program also aspires to provide advanced camera based capabilities: automatic target recognition, target tracking, facial recognition, as well as optical augmentation: denial of enemy’s capability, pre-shot threat detection, etc.

The Government intends to award up to two independent fixed amount OTAs for NGSW-FC prototyping. The duration for each prototype OTA is estimated to be up to five years. Deliverables for each prototype OTA include 115 NGSW-FC systems, spare parts, tools/gauges/accessories, engineering support, management support; an option for additional NGSW-FC systems in increments of 10 (not to exceed 100 additional systems); an option for additional NGSW-FC systems in increments of 50 (not to exceed 250 additional systems); an option for additional design representative mock-ups in increments of 5 (not to exceed 50 additional mock-ups); and iterative prototyping efforts as defined in the Statement of Work. Each prototype will undergo Fire Control – Prototype Test (FC-PT) events which include technical testing and Soldier Touch Points (STPs). The initial prototyping and testing for NGSW-FC will be approximately 14 months.

Offerers have until Nov 04, 2019 4:30 pm Eastern to submit.

For full details, visit

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