
High Angle Solutions – Brigantes Presents – Montane Tactical Range Update

The Montane Tactical range has now been around, in a very small way, for the past couple of years.  It has found immediate fans, within the UK military, who are familiar with the brand and like the no nonsense, lightweight, outdoor approach.  This has seen it taken on for amphibious, mountainous and arctic activities.

Following feedback and in partnership with the exclusive global distributor, Brigantes, Montane have updated the products to take into consideration the experiences of the users.  This has led to some small tweaks in design to improve pocket access and allow for the more muscular legs of guys, who are used to carrying very heavy loads.

The new range will be available in the Autumn and will also now include a slate grey sub range based on the very successful stretch jacket, trousers and shirt.  The price points remain very closely related to what you would expect in the outdoor world and the functionality is even better.  Overall these are perfect pieces for use in the rapidly changing weather that we encounter in the UK and therefore excellent right across the globe.

The full range is available to buy on the Brigantes website and if you are in the UK or Europe you can purchase items from the shop. Register as a member you will get an excellent discount.

For more information get in touch by email on

For UK customers

2 Responses to “High Angle Solutions – Brigantes Presents – Montane Tactical Range Update”

  1. Asinine Name says:

    ‘The new range will be available . . . ‘ to who?