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Colt Statement Regarding Cessation Of Commercial AR-15 Production

Company Response to Questions about Colt Participation in Consumer Markets

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (September 19th, 2019) – There have been numerous articles recently published about Colt’s participation in the commercial rifle market. Some of these articles have incorrectly stated or implied that Colt is not committed to the consumer market.  We want to assure you that Colt is committed to the Second Amendment, highly values its customers and continues to manufacture the world’s finest quality firearms for the consumer market. 

The fact of the matter is that over the last few years, the market for modern sporting rifles has experienced significant excess manufacturing capacity. Given this level of manufacturing capacity, we believe there is adequate supply for modern sporting rifles for the foreseeable future.  

On the other hand, our warfighters and law enforcement personnel continue to demand Colt rifles and we are fortunate enough to have been awarded significant military and law enforcement contracts.  Currently, these high-volume contracts are absorbing all of Colt’s manufacturing capacity for rifles.   Colt’s commitment to the consumer markets, however, is unwavering.  We continue to expand our network of dealers across the country and to supply them with expanding lines of the finest quality 1911s and revolvers.

At the end of the day, we believe it is good sense to follow consumer demand and to adjust as market dynamics change. Colt has been a stout supporter of the Second Amendment for over 180 years, remains so, and will continue to provide its customers with the finest quality firearms in the world.  

Very respectfully,

Dennis Veilleux, President and Chief Executive Officer

14 Responses to “Colt Statement Regarding Cessation Of Commercial AR-15 Production”

  1. Leland says:

    Good thing I don’t own any Colts. Looks like now I never will.

  2. thebronze says:

    Cuck Folt.

    • phlegm says:

      It sounds like they already have been.

      They halted production because nobody is buying their rifles in a volume that outpaces what’s already in the supply line.

      They took a gamble about announcing it so consumers would feel extra urgency in buying – hopefully to rescue their distributors and dealers from the mountain they’re under.

      In the end, it’s short-sighted consumers that are trying to crucify them for what is ultimately the right business decision, thinking it will change the nature of the current market, when in reality makes it worse.

      Good job!

      • balais says:

        Another person thinking its a right business decision.

        I shake my head because Colt had this mindset before and it was a complete disaster.

        Colt had an excellent idea remaking retro rifles, though, selling a 80% accurate vintage remake for vintage prices is not a way to do it.

        Their stupidity knows no bounds.

        Good luck to colt competing against companies who have actually been innovating on the platform. LMT, FN, SIG, etc.

  3. Eric says:

    Over my 3rd deployment I was tasked with Setting up a sort of commemorative firearm for our deployment. Our company had gone with paraord LDA pistols previously, and I wasn’t really a fan. We contacted Colt who has a department specifically for these types of things. While we were discussing designs and prices the sandy hook shooting unfortunately happened. Colt immediately told us this was not the climate for them to be involved in and they could not support us. So do I think they are a business and their “support” is verbal at best.

  4. Patrick Sweeney says:

    It almost pains me to say this, but Colt is making a conscious and correct business decision. With MSRs being blown out at wholesale (You can buy a no-name M4gery for $500? Crazy.) They are not going to sell $1,200 vanilla-plain ARs in this market, on name alone.

    Stop making civvie ARs, focus on .mil contracts, service the machinery, and get the plant focused on what does sell. Once the inventory in the pipeline has been absorbed, they can think about making ARs again.

    If the market goes crazy, it is a few days to dust off the CNC stations, set up and make ARs again.

    • Ryan Isom says:

      Well said Sir. I miss you in G@A. You were and still are my favorite writer. Always looked forward to your articles. I might have even sent an angry email or two to G@A that I am embarrassed about. Hope you are doing well. Happy to still catch ya in Handguns from time to time.

    • PTM says:

      Please stop it with factual comments! They will absolutely ruin the conspiracy theories the chattering classes on gun forums love! 🙂

    • Whit says:

      I agree with Mr. Sweeney. I don’t see this decision by Colt to be a “cave to the gun control folks”, it seems to be a business decision. Colt can make more money on military and government contracts than they can selling an expensive product to the already saturated civilian market.

      • balais says:

        Its a piss poor business decision that colt has made before, funnily enough. and the results were spectacular failure as they will be again.

    • P.J. says:

      Exactly this.
      The market for basic ARs tanked when the last panic died. Most of the guys buying basic guns want the cheapest available. The most of the guys buying $1k+ guns want something different.
      1911s are a less saturated market. Even if it’s still pretty full, Colt seems to be targeting the higher end factory market when it’s mostly cheap imports and customs. There are only a couple of quality revolver manufacturers. Makes a lot of sense to focus on those markets.

    • balais says:

      LOL I’m curious as to what school of business you went to or if you’ve ever operated one before.

      Colt is doing the worst thing they could possibly do, and you think competition is tough for commercial ARs? its even tougher on the mil/leo market due to other competitors producing M16s and M4s with excellent reputations (LMT and colt canada).

      Colt failed *precisely* because they blew off civilian sales and decided to focus only on military contracts. And I have no reason to believe they have revamped their R&D department to actually continue being relevant.

  5. Joe R. says:

    Thank GOD there’s better, more affordable, choices.

    Time to buy lowers / components in case real manufacturers are somehow forced to follow suit (pictures of them in the barn with farm animals kind of thing).

    #NaCl Colt, you’ve just H&K’d yourself. I blame Bloomberg.