
Aspetto Wins Coveted $9.9M IDIQ Contract from DHS CBP

September 18, 2019 – Fredericksburg, VA

Aspetto, Inc., a leading manufacturer of armor and nylon solutions, is awarded a single Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) five-year contract for Ballistic Plate Carrier System’s. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) posted a requirement for a Ballistic Plate Carrier System to be used for training and law enforcement operations. The effort is integral to providing effective Use of Force equipment to officers and agents within CBP. The contract was open competition with no set-asides and encouraged the contractors to develop a solution that increased user efficiency and comfort. Aspetto offered their patented KWIQ Clip that provides the end user swift donning and doffing as well as robust load-bearing capabilities.

The company is honored to support the brave Border Patrol Agents who are working tirelessly to ensure our national security.

For more information, please visit

A Federally Recognized 8(a) Entity GSA Contract # GS-07F-146GA

Walter Clarke
VP Government Sales
Email: GSA Contract # GS-07F-146GA

19 Responses to “Aspetto Wins Coveted $9.9M IDIQ Contract from DHS CBP”

  1. ScubaSteve says:

    That is a JPC, screw Crye huh

  2. Nick Rodman says:

    Congrats. You managed to copy Crye, Velocity and First Spear to make this abomination….LOL

    • Dan Jackson says:

      and they got a 9.9m $ contract… salty much?? LOL

    • Ryan Pass says:

      We get it You’re an airsofter, cool story bro. While I can’t speak to Velocity and First Spear, if it’s anything like the BS it takes to get gear from Crye you’d understand why the government is fed up and ready to move on. I myself do like Cryes product line but they fall consistantly fall short when it come to supply, all their orders are not only late, but also contain incorrect sizes and patterns just so they can say they completed the order. Withal, Aspetto makes a damn good product, if their version of the JPC is anything like their suits then it’s a win win.

      • SSD says:

        Crye, FirstSpear and Velocity all prioritize delivery to their government customers.

        • John Smith says:

          Tell that to their government customers. Love Crye stuff, but their customer service, shipment times and accuracy are awful. I still use their stuff because it’s great. But they could learn a lot from firstspear and velocity.

      • matty says:

        I have never heard of any .gov customer getting late or incorrect orders from Crye. Blown out crotches from many many years ago? Yes, but never a late ship by.

        • Ray Forest says:

          We used Crye for armor for years and years. We moved to Velocity because of better CS, faster delivery times, product availability. They are not always easy to even contact much less reach back to their .gov customer. Communication often took more than a month to complete. VS delivers in a day. YMMV but ours didn’t.

  3. Tcba_joe says:

    Who is Aspetto? How do these no-name companies get these contracts?

  4. Migra_Gear says:

    Not impressed. Can’t wait to not wear it.

    • Ryan Pass says:

      Or at least until the rest of youre airsoft budies are wearing it.

      • DERP says:

        Considering your replies to EVERY comment on this thread that is slightly against this company and/ or this product, I would put a pretty large sum of money on you having a vested interest in this company. Unless you just feel you have to fight back for a product while attacking its competitors , like a superman for super unheard of gear companies.

        Go on with your bad self, but it’s pretty damn obvious that you’re not just some average Joe commenting on here.

  5. Jim says:

    They all copy each other and say they are the best. If they would all concentrate on deliveries, then they would be a decent company.

    Good on Aspetto, they can all learn something.