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Australia’s Victoria Police Select Daniel Defense Carbines

This release is from Huntsman, the company who will fulfill the contract.


Townsville, QLD – December 2019 – Huntsman Aus Pty Ltd (Huntsman) is pleased to confirm the award of a contract to supply 300 semi-automatic Daniel Defense rifle systems to be used by Victoria Police throughout the state from mid-2020.

The new contract followed a comprehensive tender process and the Daniel Defense rifle systems, supplied by Huntsman, were selected to expand Victoria Police’s capability to respond to critical incidents.

Huntsman managing director Rob Woods said it was an honour to be selected to supply the Daniel Defense rifle systems to Victoria Police.

“To be given the opportunity to play a small role in the broader Victorian Government investment in the Community Safety Statement 2018/19 is significant,” Mr Woods said.

“To have the complete system that we submitted extensively assessed against other companies within the Australian Defence industry is always a great test.”

“The contract win acknowledges the reliability, durability and accuracy of the Daniel Defense rifle and demonstrates the exceptional value for money of the assembled package.”

“Each component within the package is world class and most importantly proven through operational use.”

“The delivery of these rifles marks the continued growth of the national Daniel Defense fleet that Huntsman supports.”

“I am confident that officers who are issued the rifle now have the very best tool for the protection of the community and their own life.”

Recently the Australian Federal Police announced that the Daniel Defense rifle was selected for employment by first responders at designated Australian Airports. Other state police agencies also have Daniel Defense carbines in service.

Mr Woods said all Daniel Defense rifles were built using the latest in design and manufacturing processes.

“We are confident the police officers who will carry the new rifles will appreciate working with such a lightweight, reliable and accurate rifle,” he said.

“The rifle functions flawlessly with a broad range of ammunition, which will provide a degree of future proofing as law enforcement ammunition technology continues to develop.

“We are conscious of the enormous responsibility that the supply of equipment to law enforcement represents, especially when that equipment will be employed for the protection of life.

“We look forward to continuing a strong relationship with Victoria Police and supporting them into the future.”

Huntsman will provide Victoria Police Armourers with certified Daniel Defense Armourer training.

Huntsman will also provide Instructor Training through our partner Nexus Training Solutions, an Australian-owned training provider delivering world class equipment integration training to global government end-users.


This release is from the Victoria Police:

Following a comprehensive tender process, Victoria Police has signed a new contract that will deliver 300 semi-automatic rifles to be used by uniform and frontline support police throughout the state from mid-2020.

The new weapons will be supplied by Huntsman Aus and will expand Victoria Police’s capability to respond to active armed offender and terrorist attacks outside of Melbourne.

More than 700 police officers from the Public Order Response Team (PORT) and four 24-hour regional uniform stations – Geelong, Ballarat, Morwell and Shepparton – will be trained to use the rifles in response to critical incidents.

PORT have been selected to receive the semi-automatic rifles as they are a frontline support unit which can be deployed anywhere in Victoria in response to major events, issues and high-risk times. The four regional stations have been selected to ensure there is a strengthened response in key regional areas

The rifles will not be personally issued and will instead be assigned to the relevant areas to be delegated each shift.

Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton, Regional Operations, said the introduction of the new weapons follows the rollout of active armed offender training to all police officers and the release of the new hostile vehicle policy; all of which are designed to uplift officer capability when responding to critical incidents.

“Let me be clear, it will be a very sad day if the rifles are used, but the reality is we need to be prepared if an active armed offender or terrorist attack was to occur in regional Victoria,” Deputy Commissioner Patton said.

“By expanding this capability to four key regional hubs and PORT the community can be reassured we have trained officers who can respond to these incidents in a timely manner.

“I also want to reassure the community that police officers will not be patrolling the streets with the rifles as part of general duties. Unless they are responding to a critical incident, the rifles will be securely stored at the police station or in vehicles and the community won’t see them.”

All members across the organisation will be provided with awareness training specific to the deployment of semi-automatic rifles from March 2020. The training of more than 700 officers will then progressively be rolled out from June next year until the end of 2021.

The rollout of the semi-automatic rifles is due to a $25 million investment from the Victorian Government as part of the Community Safety Statement 2018/19

– ends –

Beck Angel

Victoria Police Media Unit

14 Responses to “Australia’s Victoria Police Select Daniel Defense Carbines”

  1. RFfromNOVA says:

    Don’t see why they’d need weapons of war. Aren’t those illegal for the citizenry to own there? Seems to me they would be fine with shotguns and pistols.

    • AC says:

      Aren’t narcotics and explosives illegal? Yet there are LE narcotics units, DEA, bomb squads and ATF to name a few.

      Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. By your rational, there would be no need for law enforcement in general.

      • Liger Noir says:

        RF is likely flipping the argument Gun Control individuals make for civilians having arms.

      • Vic Toree says:

        “Aren’t narcotics and explosives illegal?”


        Both are legal to own/use, with some limitations.

        • AC says:

          I am aware they are legal like you said “with some limitations.”

          The point being, just because those “weapons of war” might be illegal for citizens to own doesn’t mean law enforcement will never have a need it.

          • BM says:

            Guess you subscribe to the law as the greatest good train of thought. Even without a US Constitution, they should have the same individual rights as everyone (endowed by someone… maybe God was just American?). People that don’t support that need to reassess themselves.

            Seems like Ronnie Barrett is one of the only individuals in the industry with integrity.

    • Beau Mooney says:

      It is because criminals by the very nature of the word do not subscribe to the rule of law and just like in the rest of the world the criminal element in a Australia will find a way to make a dollar supplying prohibited items to those that want them.

  2. Bruce says:

    “The rifles will not be personally issued and will instead be assigned to the relevant areas to be delegated each shift.”

    I foresee “issues” with maintenance and operational performance with this ‘one size fits all” policy. If the rifle drawn for an actual task is not the same one used by the “operator” on the range and other “tactical” situations, there is a good chance that there may be problems with fit, “feel” and function, not to mention “accountability” if something goes “wrong”. Victoria, the (fill in the blanks) State.

    There is a good reason why “serious” armed bodies assign a specific weapon to an individual and that if the member is transferred to another unit, the weapon goes with them.

    Then again, this is the “miraculous” 21st Century.

    • DERP says:

      “There is a good reason why ‘serious’ armed bodies assign a specific weapon to an individual and that if the member is transferred to another unit, the weapon goes with them.”

      I can think of an entire military that doesn’t do this.

  3. Matt in Oklahoma says:

    Weird I thought Aussies said if they removed them evil weapons it would be better.

  4. Glen says:

    It’s total BS they don’t need them! It is a waste of taxpayers money! Besides who are they going to be using them against? Creating a solution to a problem that never existed!

  5. Taylor LeBlanc says:

    But if there are no guns in Australia why would you need these?…

    • Glen says:

      The cops in Australia control the “Firearm Registries” in each state! Not through the introduction of new laws or legislation but via the creation of new, random regulations which citizens never vote for they continue to steal guns from innocent Law Abiding Firearm Owners!!